Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

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The method is quick and economical; with it one can trace 
the course of  prinicpal features of the bottom morphology pro- 
vided that it is shallow and in the presence of dynamic ele - 
ments. This methodology is calibrated on 2 small scale (by air- 
craft) and is immediately applicable to the satellite data. 
There the change of geometric resclution has as a reference 
only the vastness of the area and the scale of the test keep- 
ing the same accuracy of description. 
Taking as an example our case, there are 712 resolution 
elements in 3.5 km, while the same accuracy of description re- 
lative to the imagery we could obtain from the satellite, 
Explorer,taking into consideration 350 km and that is on a 
scale 100 times greater. 
The authors wish to thank Dr. A.M. Tonelli of the Rossi 
Enterprise, Milano, for his extremely accurate work in the cali- 
bration of the systems of analogic elaboration in thermic im- 
The work was carried out under the direction of the Pro- 
getto Finalizzato: "Promozione e qualità dell'ambiente", U.O.: 
"Scambio laguna-mare" - Prof. O. Vittori. 
Alberotanza, L. and A.M. Tonelli, 1978. "Thermal roughness and 
texture analysis of water bodies: their relationship with 
the bottom morphology", XVIII Convegno Internazionale Sci- 
entifico sullo Spazio, 15-16 March. 
Gottardo, D., 1975. "Propagazione della marea nella laguna di 
Venezia", Giornale Economico (Speciale), July and August, 
Tonelli, A.M., 1978. "Texture analysis of thermal and near in 
frared scannings over glaciers, ground and water bodies", 
Photogrammetric Engineering, in print. 
Ufficio Idrografico del Magistrato alle Acque, "Carta Idrogra- 
fica Veneta", scale 1:50,000.

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