1) Gienapp, H., 1977: Farbmetrische Studien der Elbmündung.
DHZ 30, 185.
2) ders., 1977: Meeresoptische Untersuchungen im Rahmen des
FlugzeugmeBprogramms 1976 in der Deutschen Bucht. Symposium
FMP, Hannover 1977, Berichtsband.
3) ders., 1978: Marine-optical studies within the framerwork
of the aircraft remove sensing programm (FMP) in the German
Bight 1976. DHZ; in Druck.
4) ders., 1978: Neue farbmetrische Arbeitsmethode in der Ozeano-
graphie. DHZ; in Druck.
5) Goedecke, E., 1968: Über die hydrographische Struktur der
Deutschen Bucht im Hinblick auf die Verschmutzung in der
Konvergenzzone. Helgolünder wiss. Meeresunters. 17, 108.
6) ders., 1952: Über Intensität und Jahresgang der thermosa-
linen Schichtung in der Deutschen Bucht. Veróff.Inst.Meeres-
forschung, Bremerhaven, 1, 236.
7) ders., 1936: Der Kalkgehalt im Oberflüchenwasser der Unter-
elbe und der Deutschen Bucht. Arch. dt. Seew. 55 (1).
8) Preisendorfer, R.W., 1965: Radiative Transfer on Discret
Spaces. New York.
First results of chromaticity measurements of sea water as
sea-truth of remote sensing have already been published by
the author in previous papers 192 . As follow-up of these
studies further measurements of the chromaticity coordinates
of scattering and transmitted light in sea water samples have
been carried out during a cruise of s.r.v. GAUSS from 29 Sept.
to 3 Oct. 1977 in the German Bight.
They have again confirmed the author's opinion of the great
usefulness of chromaticity measurements of scattered light
for remote sensing.
Parameters of particular importance in this connection are
the chromaticity coordinates of scattered light
X Y =
ESI =! 4" 0 iir |
y X+X%/.+2 X +Y+ Z