Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

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B. Gsträm, Fertilization of the Baltic; Remote Sensing of Environment 
4, (1976), pp. 305 - 310, 
K.A. Ulbricht, P. Hoppe, D. Schmidt, Interdisciplinary application of 
the DIBIAS digital image processing system on geological and maritime 
problems; International Symposium on Image Processing, Interactions with 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Graz, Austria, October 3 - 5, (1977), 
proceedings, pp. 215 - 218, 
K.A. Ulbricht, D. Schmidt, Massenauftreten mariner Blaualgen auf Sa- 
tellitenaufnahmen erkannt, DFVLR-Nachrichten, Heft 22, November (1977), 
pp. 913 - 915, 
K.A. Ulbricht, D. Schmidt, Mass appearance of blue green algae in the 
Baltic, evaluation of multispectral LANDSAT scenes by image processing; 
International Conference, L'Observation de la terre et la gestion des 
resources planetaires, Toulouse, France, March 6 - 11, (1978) 
to be published, 
U. Horstmann, K.A. Ulbricht, D. Schmidt, Detection of eutrophication 
processes from air and space; 12th International Symposium on Remote 
Sensing of Environment, Manila, Philippines, April 20 - 26, (1978), 
to be published, s. also summaries, p. 167, 
D. Schmidt, K.A. Ulbricht, Mass occurrence of blue green algae in the 
western Baltic, evaluation of satellite imagery and implications on 
marine chemistry and pollution; XI Conference of the Baltic Oceanographers, 
Rostock, GDR, April 24 - 27, (1978), to be published, 
U. Horstmann, Eutrophication and mass production of blue green algae 
in the Baltic; Merentutkimuslait Julk./Havsforskningsinst. Skr. No. 239 
(1975), pp. 83 - 90, 
[. Rinne, T. Melvalsalo, A. Niemi, and L. Niemistó, Nitrogen fixation 
by blue green algae in the Baltic sea; 5th Symposium of the Baltic Marine 
Biologists, Kiel, FRG, (1977), 
U. Horstmann, Nitrofixation in the Baltic; paper presented at the 
Water Quality Institute Kopenhagen, Nov. 11, (1977), 
R.C. Dugdale et al., High nitrogen fixation rates in the Sargasso Sea; 
Limnol. Oceanogr. 9, pp. 507 - 510, (1964), 
Personal communication, U. Horstmann, Nov. 11, (1977), Kopenhagen, 
DIBIAS is the digital imamge processing facility developed at the 
DFVLR-institute for communication technology, 
Kielmann, K. et al., Mesoscale eddies in the Baltic; XI conference of 
the Baltic Oceanographers, April 24 - 27, Rostock, GDR, (1978).

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