Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

Figure 2. Classical Optical Processor 
Lenses L, and L, form a telescope that expands 
the lasel beam fo the desired format size. P, is 
the place of the transparency uhere the Frauen- 
hofer pattern appears. . 
u N 
pes D 
Figure 3. Modified Optical Processor 
S is the light source (He-Ne laser, 6328 KR), L, 
is the expanding lense; P is a 100 um diameter 
pinhole; L, is the focussing lens (Vivitar 300mm 
1:5.6); P,^is the signal plane; P, is the Frauen- 
hofer plane; D is the expanded beam diameter at 
L5; d is the P,P, distance and d' the distance 
ffom the output fupil of La to P2» 

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