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ding, for otherwise icorrect thermal patterns may result in an
inaccurate thermzl pictureof the area under investigation. The
problem of calibrating the radiometer has beon treated by other
authors (10), (11). Tuo methods ere generally used: thes inter-
nal calibration method and the correl:tion met::cd. The last is
relatively simple but has a serious drawdzck since severel
flight paths over the marine unit ars nerdad in order to assure
a good calibration. The internal calibration method is applica
bles when the used radiometer is a scanning radicreter; thus that
it won't be considered here. For the Darnes radiometer however,
no calibration procedure was found with exception of thes attach
ed with the operations manual -in which flight altitude effects
are not considered- or the given by GALLAGHER (12), who also
doesn't consider atmospheric influence. Only two articles (5),
(9) referred to global correction considerations applicable to
our case. This article gives a method of global correcting ra-
diometric data by considering ail the up tó nou neglected inter
vening factors.
The use of remote sensors operating in the thermal portion
of the electromagnetic spectrum was first initiated for civil
work in 1953 (13), but it is only in the last decade thst ther-
mal infrared remote sensing became oporstionsi on a routine ba-
sis for measuring accurate sea surface temperature.
There are two general types of radiometers operating either
in the 8 - 14 pm or in the restricted 5,5 - 11.5 um uavelenath
bands. The basic difference between them is that one scans
across the monitored area whereas the other m»ssures only tne
incoming radiation from the overfloun spot. We shall be con-
cerned with the utilization and criticzl revizw of tha secand
type of radiometer. The relationship bstyesn the tuo types of
radiometers are discussed in (5) and won't be treated here.
In this study we used a Barnes Precission Radiation Ther-
mometer model PRT-5. The characteristics of this instrument
are given belou:
« wavelength range: 8 - 14 um limited to 9.5 - 11.5 pm
by a band pass filter
e field of vieu: 29 nominal
»« temperature range: a) -309C to «109€
e] -109C to «409C (used here)
c) 4209C to +8GQC
« sensitivity: over 0 - 25°C range better than 0.1
. response: 0.5 to. 30 cps. s 500 to 5 millisec.
« lens: 10mm Irtran 2 f/2.8
« detector: bolcmeter type
« output: 0 - 5V with 10Kohm impedance