Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

1382 - 
A suitable classification of the forest roads recognizes 5 types: 
- temporarily, dry weather roads. This are the skid roads or feeder 
roads, that lead from the cutting site to the permanent road net- 
work. These roads, usually earthen tracks, are abandoned once the 
' fellings are completed. 
- permanent, dry weather roads are used by tractors and small trucks, 
They connect the skid roads with the log yards near the main road. 
- permanent, all weather roads are used by the heavy timber trucks, 
and link the forest area to the public road system for delivery of 
the forest products at the mill, railroad station, etc. 
Flow chart 1 
Criteria for the establishment of a forest access system 
[objectives] l. Opening up for purposes of forest management, 
inspection, inventory, damage control. 
2. Intensification for efficient harvesting, 
3. Connection with the public road system for trans- 
port of labour and products, recreation. 
1l. Topographic maps and aerial photography, 
2. Management and working plan (tree species and 
age class distribution), 
3, Cost estimation of planned logging operations, 
| 4, Aspects of tourism (scenic spots, camp sites). 
Type of l. by air - airstrips and clearings for helicopters, 
access used for inspection and transport in areas of 
difficult access. 
2. by water - drifting timber down rivers and lakes, 
. by rail - timber transport in flat areas, 
4, by road - transport of manpower, equipment and 
timber in most types of topography. 
[Description ] 1. Connection of cardinal voints (cutting sites, 
of the roads log depot, sawmill, railroad station, fire 
needed observation tower, scenic spot, camp sites), 
2. Road class: all weather permanent: road, 
dry weather permanent road, 
temporarily logging road, 
3. Road density: varies with the objectives, topo- 
graphy and construction costs, 
4, Construction characteristics: gradient, road width 
and curve radius, road surface and bearing capacity.

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