Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

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This stage will result in photomaps of selected regions at the scale of 1 : 250,000. 
Eventually, the whole country will be covered with thematic photomaps at this scale 
to facilitate planning at the national and provincial levels. 
Progress of the reconnaissance remote sensing depends, to a large extent, on the 
availability of good quality Landsat imagery. However, a systematic Landsat 
coverage can be expected only after construction of a Landsat ground receiving 
station and data processing facility in Indonesia. 
Shortage of Landsat imagery with quality suitable for photomapping allowed 
only limited number of cartographic applications in Indonesia. Recently was 
completed a resource photomap at 1 : 250,000 of Lombok Island in the Nusa 
Tenggara archipelago. Eight vegetation and land use categories were delineated by 
computer-aided classification of Landsat multispectral images recorded on computer 
compatible tapes. Thematic data were overprinted on the base photomap, which was 
mosaicked from enlargements of Landsat film images. 
The map was favourably accepted and the same procedure will be used in other 
regions when suitable Landsat imagery becomes available. Methodology of the 
Lombok Island mapping was described in detail by Kalensky et.al. (1978). 
Reconnaissance resource surveys based on conventional interpretation of 
Landsat film enlargements are in progress in Southern Sumatra and in Central and 
South-East Sulawesi. This technique enables, with relatively modest outlay of 
money, quick categorization of extensive areas, for which little recent data have 
been available, into broad vegetation and land use classes. Conventional 
interpretation techniques were helped by improved reproduction quality of Landsat 
images, particularly when processed with edge enhancement and printed by a laser 
beam recorder. 
Further increases of classification level and accuracy in resource surveys from 
satellite imagery depend on improvements of their remote sensing payloads. New 
design of two Return Beam Vidicon (RBV) cameras on board of Landsat-3 yields 
nominal ground resolution of 40m, in comparison with the 80m yielded by RBV 
cameras in Landsats-1 & 2. Planned lower orbital altitude of Landsat-D, projected 
for launch in 1981, combined with a new design of multispectral scanner (Thematic 
Mapper), will yield nominal ground resolution of 30m. (Kalensky et.al., 1977). 
However, the breakthrough for cartographic applications of satellite imagery may be 
provided by a ZEISS (Oberkochen) metric (photogrammetric) camera, which will be 
part of the Spacelab-1 remote sensing payload in 1980.

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