Full text: Proceedings of the international symposium on remote sensing for observation and inventory of earth resources and the endangered environment (Volume 2)

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At this International Event, 20 other papers on Remote Sensing were 
presented by Chilean experts and professionals from Argentina, Brazil, 
Canada, France and Germany. More than 100 participants attended this 
Symposium. As a direct consequence of the large interest among the 
participants, a Remote Sensing Committee has been created for gathering 
all professionals and institutions interested on the use of this 
This Committee will become part of the Chilean Society of Photogrammetry, 
whose name has been proposed to be changed to Society of Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing. 
As it can be concluded, this multidisciplinary pilot project ended 
to a complete success, represented by the following numer and results: 
- Color and color IR stereoscopic photographic coverage of 
5000 Km.? at scale 1:50.000 
1300 Km.2 at scale 1:20.000 
650 Km.“ at scale 1:10.000 
Thermal imagery at different scales of interesting areas. 
- 10 important entities working with Remote Sensing 
- More than 30 Chilean professionals with experience on management and 
interpretation of Remote Sensing data. 
- More than 100 professionals learned about the project and it results. 
- First International Symposium on Remote Sensing held in Chile and printing 
of its proceedings. 
- Creation of the Committee on Remote Sensing of the Chilean Society 
of Photogrammetry. 
We have commited ourselves the task of continuing with this experience 
on working with the data we already have, and promoting new multidisciplinary 
and multi-institutional projects. We will also promote the exchange of 
experience and professionals with the more developed countries on this 
We hope that in this way we could close the gap between Chile and more 
technically developed countries. 

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