Full text: Advances in the quality of image data

The investigation of lens stability is of relevance to a change in calibration policy in Canada: 
intervals between successive calibrations of mapping lenses of longer than one year will be permitted 
at the discretion of NRC, if this is warranted by a number of factors including the stability of the 
Project 4 (Calibration vs. self-calibration) 
"NRC has available the measurements of three sets of simultaneously flown RC8/RMK réseau 
photography over three tests areas, and an as yet unmeasured set over a fourth test area, obtained 
within project 1. Each set consists of two 3 x 3 blocks with 60% overlap in both directions with a 
scale of approximately 1:5000, and 2 x 4 1:10 000 photographs over the center of these two blocks flown 
in four mutually perpendicular flight directions (e.g. W-E, N-S, E-W, and S-N). NRC has also available 
a bundle adjustment program permitting the use of the majority of published sets of self-calibration 
parameters. It is therefore suggested that a study be undertaken to establish whether interior 
orientation parameters determined by a system calibration over a test field (lens distortion, film 
deformation) can be related to self-calibration parameters. Cooperation with WG III/1 (Identification 
and Elimination of Gross and Systematic Errors) is being sought in relation to this project." 
Inclusion of this project caused some controversy with Commission III although contact was 
established with that commission at the earliest possible time with the aim of cooperation and 
separation of areas of interest. Today, we participate in the project of WG III/1 but WG III/l not in 
The test field photography has thus far been used uncorrected and corrected with several different 
procedures for image deformation. A report is given elsewhere in these proceedings /Ziemann and El- 
Hakim 1982 b/. Some of the input data were also processed at the Institute for Photogrammetry of Bonn 
"Bill Tayman has commenced a review of the 'Recommended Procedures...'. In addition, Hartmut 
Ziemann with the help of colleagues plans to prepare several papers reviewing various parameters 
defining the geometric-optical performance of photogrammetric lenses and cameras, primarily as a base 
for further discussions leading to suggestions for further standardization. Some of the planned papers 
should be available for the planned session/symposium in Denver, and for further discussion in 
The review of section 2 (Calibration) of the "Recommended Procedures...” has been presented during 
the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Photogrammetry and revised to include suggestions made u 
during that meeting. The revised paper /Tayman and Ziemann 1982/ is included elsewhere in these HEE 
preceedings. * 
An investigation on the definition of average radial lens distortion with odd-power polynomials has 
already been referred to /Ziemann and El-Hakim 1982 b/. This investigation lead to the definition of 
lens distortion reference data in the forthcoming edition of the Canadian Specification for Aerial 
Survey Photography by odd-power polynomials derived from l-cm-spaced average data provided by the 
manufacturers of aerial lenses to NRC. 
Other papers are in preparation. 
The work of working group I/2 carried out since the fall of 1980 has been reviewed. It is obvious 
from the review and the following references that the work load was carried by only a few persons with 
the result that progress was not as fast as hoped for. Nevertheless, several projects show significant 
advances towards the established goals. It is hoped that all started work can be brought to an 
acceptable conclusion for reporting at the next congress. 
Bormann, G. and E. Mathieu, 1980: Experimental Results of Lens Calibration at Different Temperatures. 
Distributed by Wild Heerbrugg in Hamburg during the ISPRS Congress. 
Meier, H.K., 1978. The Effects of Environmental Conditions on Distortion, Calibrated Focal Length and 
Focus of Aerial Survey Cameras. International Archives of Photogrammetry, XXII (Commission I 
Symposium in Tokyo). 
Norton, C.L., 1980a - Image Properties with Environmental Factors. Photogrammetric Engineering, 
XLV1.6: 725 - 137. 
Norton, C.L. 1980b - Report of Working Group I/3. International Archives of Photogrammetry, XXIII 
(Congress in Hamburg), Part B9: 71 - 87. 
Norton, C.L., 1982. The Status of Environmental Testing of Optics and Aerial Cameras. (forthcoming) 
Tayman, W.P. and H. Ziemann, 1982. Photogrammetric Camera Calibration. These proceedings: 

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