Some considerations:
|. It is advisable to express quality requirements in terms of physical figures rather than in descrip-
tive wording - as much as is reasonable feasible.
In this respect, it is regretted that, until today, no useful method is available yet which could measure
the degree of contrast attenuation of imagery by the aerosol (e.g. haze), which means that the amount
of permissable haze must be described in wording instead of by means of values (para. 3.3.3.).
Some descriptive specifications, howver, have been replaced by figures (e.g. in 2.4 camera windows).
2. Sample checks on the metric quality are suggested, to reduce the chance for the user to get into
troube at the aerial triangulation stage - i.e., long after the photography has been accepted (paragraphs
45.1.3., 4.5.3. and 4.6.).
3. Specifications are needed not only in cases of commercial contracting but in all cases where any
Aerial Photography Organization, Department or Service produces photography for any user. Thus, we have
modified the wordings: "contractor", "client" and "contract" into: "producer", "client or user" and
4. To preclude micunderstanding and disagreenent in terminology, it will be useful to commence the
Specifications by giving Definitions.
The underlying draft "Specifications..." is intended to be one link in the continuous chain of up-
datings which will be needed to increase and to maintain the usefulness of the document and to get the
Specifications adopted by the ISP.
The present Specs are designed for the purpose of line mapping and mosaicing only.
With the increased use of orthophoto, of colour, false colour and multi-spectral imagery, it will be
necessary - although more difficult - to cover these aspects as well - by further Specifications.
Work is under way to extend them for the purpose of orthophoto mapping and is expected to be ready
before the 1984 ISP Congress.
Comments for further updating are invited. To make this workable in practice, it is suggested that
input of comments and suggestions be given via a few entry ports, for instance:
Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors
12, Great George Street
Parliament Square
Netherlands: ITC
International Institute for Aerial Survey and Earth Sciences
P.0. Box 6
The Netherlands
USA and Canada: „....,....0...00.00000002020200%