Full text: ISPRS 4 Symposium

A typical input file prerequisite for the traverse deter 
mination will include: a) a sequential course number, 
b) starting node number, c) ending node number, d) bearing 
of the course and e) distance (length) of the course. An 
additional input file will contain information regarding 
the constraining nodes, i.e., node number, X-Y coordinates 
and a relative accuracy factor based on origin of the node 
The coordinated corners will remain fixed, and utilizing 
traditional surveying traverse computation algorithms, 
coordinates will be determined for all other positions 
(corners) in a particular traverse. As the computation 
proceeds from the establishment of the township perimeter, 
newly controlled corners can then be designated as con 
straints for the remaining interior subdivision lines/ 
The program that will compute this series of courses lead 
ing to a township solution will output a file containing 
the coordinates and adjusted coordinates of every corner 
node/angle point in the township. A typical format would 
include: a) node number, b) easting, c) northing and 
d) numbers of courses of which node is an end point. 
The coordinate file can then be input for manipulation on 
an interactive graphics editing system. Corners in the 
township can then be displayed to enable interactive addi 
tion of attribute codes describing the characteristics of 
the corners. The annotated plat is again used as the basis 
for this editing operation. The graphics package that 
enables this data manipulation will retain a file of ground 
coordinates and associated codes for the numbered nodes. 
Once the individual township surveys are complete, the 
files representing them will be appended into project or 
subproject blocks. A windowing algorithm will be applied 
to this bulk coordinate/attribute file to segregate those 
corners that fall within the borders of designated 7.5- 
minute quadrangles. Again using the annotated plats and 
displayed node positions and numbers, the graphic editing 
package can then be employed to add points and attribute 
codes representing area points (sections), and to establish 
line syntax within the quadrangle. The data file resulting 
from this quadrangle file manipulation will serve as a 
transaction file for UCLGES processing. At this time the 
quadrangle file enters the standard DLG processing stream 
and the procedures of list and plot verifications and 
topological editing will be employed to assure creation of 
a valid DLG-3. 
Final Products 
The final product of the DLG processing is an archived DLG- 
3 level data base file. The adjusted land-net product for 
the Provisional map is derived from this DLG-3. A program

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