Full text: ISPRS 4 Symposium

Figure 1. Map of 321.2 hectares of cropland (class A) lost from 
Old Machar Parish between 1966 and 1981. Each pixel 
character represents 0.2 hectares of the lost class. 
Since 3 hectares of class A were added to the parish 
during this period, the net difference in cropland 
between the two years was 318.2 hectares. 
1981 class replacing cropland Hectareage 
Permanent grassland (Z) 22 
Other agriculture (1) 0.2 
Residential (R) 155.6 
Commercial/industrial (C) 86.4 
Public buildings (B) 7.4 
Transport (T) 14.6 
Mixed woodland (4) 1 
Derelict (mostly urban) (D) 8.4 
Quarries (Q) 25.6 
Table 3. Areas in hectares of the 1981 classes 
which have replaced 1966 cropland in 
Old Machar Parish.

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