N.B. Final output from Digital System to be
equivalent to final output from conventional
Corrected digital tapes in map sheet format to be
equivalent to compiled machine plot traces which
are checked and ready for fair drawing.
6.2.3 Digital Editing
a) on-line editing b) off-line editing
6.2.4 Manual correction of final graphical out
put a) as input to Drawing Office
b) for reproduction as improved
machine plot
6.2.5 Quality control
6.2.6 Processing DGM data with input from 5.2.3
(Aerial Photography and orientation data/auxiliary data for mapping purposes)
(production unit)
1. PLANNING (project).
1.1 Mission Planning actions and decisions include:
- aircraft policy : own aircraft/hire in
- crewing policy : 2 man/3 man crews
- obtain permissions for aircraft/equipment/crew
- collect information on Avgas, Avtur and support services situation
- collect information on security regulations, security situation
- collect information on geographical and meteorological characteristics
(rate: manhours/project)
1.2 Flight Planning actions and decisions include:
- type of aircraft : piston engined, turbo charged piston engined, turbo prop, jet.
- type of navigation method : adequate maps and simple tracking, no maps and tracking
with photo checks, navigation systems
- mission profile: speed of aircraft, its range and rate of climb, distance from local base,
no. of runs, no. of sorties, flight line spacing, no. of films, gross no. of overlaps
- obtain flight plan clearance
2. MOBILIZATION inc. demobilization (project)
Mobilization includes transit, set up, set down and customs clearance times.
Mobilization may be considered in 3 phases:
- 2.1 - Aircraft (rates: gross aircraft days/project and flight hours/project)
- 2.2 - Freighted equipment and materials (rate: manhours/project)
- 2.3 - support crew (rate: manday/project)
3. SURVEY FLIGHT (consider part per line km., part per project)
Flying for photographic Data/Orientation Data/Auxiliary Data includes transit time from
base to target and return, flight hours over target and all standby time.
- 3.1
- 3.
flying for black and white
flying for black and white
photography plus simultaneous
Orientation/Auxiliary Data
- 3.3 flying for colour photography
- 3.4 flying for colour photography
plus simultaneous Orientation/
Auxiliary Data
Gross Mission Time
(Av.No.flight hrs/
gr. mission day
Gross flight time
3.1.2 (flight hrs/line km.)
4. DATA PROCESSING (photograph)
(rates: manhours/photograph and equipment hours/photograph)
4.1.1 Processing of 1st Phase Photographic products.
proof copies for acceptance and initial use in
the field. 1st Phase Products include: black
and white and colour film (developed) + 1 set
of proof prints. Allow time for quality control
and security aspects.
4.2 Processing of Orientation Data/Auxiliary
- position data (x,y)
- altitude data (z,Az)
(rate: manhours/photograph)
4.1.2 Processing of 2nd Phase photographic Products
Final diapositives and paper prints. Allow time
for quality control and security aspects.
(rate: manhours/photograph and
equipment hours/photograph)
5. ADMINISTRATION (photograph)
Production of photo indices, index maps and flight
reports. Time for the administration of flight results,
film/photo library and the despatch of material
(rate: manhours/photograph)