Full text: ISPRS 4 Symposium

aerial photograph 
radar image topographic map 
o o,1 o,2 0,3 o,4 o¿ km 
stereopair o km 
Fig.13: Ottawa 1:10 000, enlarged 
In 1981 several test areas in Europa have been flown with a SAR 580. This 
imagery (like that of the Seasat radar) has not yet been generated from 
digital data. We expect to have the first sample images one year after 
the flights have taken place. 
With this imagery further testing will be carried out. Additional tests 
are required about height determination. 
It will be most interesting to compare the results contained in this pa 
per with the data from real imagery provided by the RMK Spacelab-1 
mission in 1983 and by SPOT in 1984. 
1. Derenyi, E., 1981. Skylab in Retrospect, Phm.Eng. and Rem.Sen.47(4): 
2. Dowman, I.J., and Mohammed, M.A. 1980. Photogrammetric Applications of 
Landsat MSS Imagery, XIV. Congress of ISP in Hamburg, Comm.Ill, Pre 
sented Paper. 
3. Doyle, F.J., 1975. Cartographic Presentation of Remote Sensor Data. 
Manual of Remote Sensing, pp.1077-1106. 
4. Hofmann, 0. and Seige, P. 1979. Erste Erprobungsergebnisse mit der ex- 
perimentellen optoelektronischen Kamera von MBB, BuL 47(2): 33-40. 
5. Keller, M., 1976. Analytic Aerotriangulation Utilizing Skylab Earth 
Terrain Camera (S-1908B) Photography, Phm.Eng. and Rem.Sen.42(11): 

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