WRIS and VICAR. WRIS is a vector (polygon) based geographic informa
tion system primarily designed for timber management use. It "provides
a means of collecting, processing, storing, retrieving, updating, and
displaying geographic data, and makes possible the performance of log
ical operations on these data" such as merging, overlaying, and area
measurements (Russell, et al., 1975, p.l).
The timber strata map of the Eldorado forest produced by FOCIS is in
raster-image format generated via VICAR/IBIS (Video Image Communication
and Retrieval/Image Based Information System) software. VICAR
(Castleman, 1979) is the image processing software developed at the
Jet Propulsion Laboratory for interrogation of image data returned by
the nation's unmanned space exploration program (e.g. Pioneer, Viking/
Mars, Voyager/Jupiter/ Saturn). Over the past decade, the system has
been extensively enlarged to handle earth resources applications re
search. IBIS (Bryant and Zobrist, 1981) is the geographic information
system component of VICAR.
Raster-To-Vector Conversion Algorithm. The basic algorithm was devel
oped by D. A. Nichols (1981) and consists of three separate tasks:
1) The first task involves identifying all raster polygons in the image.
A raster polygon is defined as any number of hortizonally or vertically
contiguous pixels of common label. The pixels in each raster polygon
are assigned a new common label which is unique to each polygon, and
the image is output with an accompanying directory for relating class
labels bo the new unique label system; 2) The second task involves
creating the line segments which define the polygon boundaries. Nodes
are labeled and the two adjacent polygons identified; 3) The final task
traverses the polygon boundary file to connect appropriate adjacent
line segments and produce a vector file. The Nichols algorithm codes
polygons in a clockwise manner with islands coded twice: first in a
counter-clockwise manner and stored at the end of the host polygon's
coordinates, and then again as a regular polygon. Lollipops (i.e.
psuedo islands connected by one node to the host polygon) are treated
as regular polygons. An example of the raster-to-vector conversion
product is provided in Figure 5.
The three post-processing techniques that have been investigated can be
grouped into two catagories based on their relationship to the clas
sification phase of the timber stand delineation problem. In the first
group, the modified Davis and Peet technique and 'IBIS' technique are
both spatial filtering procedures which are applied after classifica
tion (i.e. post-processing or post-classification). In the second
group, the 'Labeling of Manually Delineated Polygons' technique replaces
the classification phase entirely, and represents a psuedo raster-to-
vector conversion technique.
Modified Davis and Peet Approach. The spatial filtering algorithm
adopted for FOCIS is a modified form of the one developed by Davis and
Peet (1976). This algorithm has the advantage of removing all groups
of pixels below a user-specified minimum size for each class in the
image. This feature allows FOCIS to meet the ten acre minimum required
by the Forest Service.
The first step in spatial filtering is the removal of all single pixel
polygons. This step is accomplished by passing a 3 x 3 moving box