Using line printer maps, electrostatically printed gray-scale maps, and
color CRT display maps, the results from the four techniques were ana
lyzed and compared to selected ground-truth features. Both changed and
unchanged features were evaluated to determine how well the given tech
nique enhanced the temporal information. The results from factor rota
tion on the remaining test sites were evaluated by visual interpretation
of the corresponding aerial photography.
Another variation of factor analysis was also attempted on the initial
test site. The rotation of the underlying factors was performed on
the first three principal components and on just the first two principal
components. Because the first two or three principal components often
account for the preponderance of the variation in a data set, this
method may eliminate noise in the data and may lead to a more useful
transformation. Again, the results were compared to the ground-truth
After reformatting and geometric correction of the data set, the four
techniques for detecting change were applied to test site 3, the sewage
treatment facility. The final results of each method were displayed
and visually compared to determine which method detected change correct
ly and consistently. Changed and unchanged features, field-verified by
the DMA for test site 3, were used as references for correct and consis
tent change-detection. The changed features included equalization
basins, new secondary clarifiers, a detention pond, new multi-media
filters, and new lime reaction tanks. The unchanged features included
forested areas, grass areas, gravity sludge thickeners, and the prime
clarifier building.
The first method, post-classification comparison, gave poor results.
The main reason was poor classification for both the early and late
scenes. The BW scene, which was density sliced into 9 classes, pro
duced a photograph-like map (Fig. 1). Many of the cover types, however,
were confused because their photographic densities overlapped or were
very similar. This was particularly true with grass areas, roads, and
the secondary clarifiers, all having similar density levels. This prob
lem also occurred in the color scene classification. Several of the 13
Figure 1. Classification of the black-and-white scene.