Full text: ISPRS 4 Symposium

preparations can be made ahead of time and dispatch 
the boat to the spot in time. For larger areas, like 
that of KWPS project, boat time exceeds the tolerance 
to meet the requirements of "ground truth" validity. 
o As for the costs, it is obvious that operating a 
helicopter is more expensive than operating a boat 
for the same period of time. However, the time needed 
for a helicopter to accomplish a job is so short 
which compensates lower expenses of the boat, in 
Kuwaiti environment atleast. This is true even though 
only one sample is to be sensed. In case of more and 
more samples helicopter will turn out, for sure, 
more cheaper. 
The conclusion is that water quality data acquisition from 
helicopter using physical sensors for the determination of 
physico-chemical parameters is an accurate, as well as cost 
effective procedure for providing R.S. team with ground 
truth needed for correlating remotely sensed data with 
environmental conditions, provided the sensors are cali 
brated before and after each mission. 
KISR Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research 
IFP Institut Français du Petrole 
KWPS Kuwaiti Waters Pollution Survey 
SA Shuaiba Area (industrial province in Kuwait) 
Kuronuma K., 197^> "Arabian Gulf Fishery-Oceanography Survey", 
The Tokyo University of Fisheries, Tokyo. 
Ozone M.I. and Szucs F.K., 1977 "Report on In-Situ Study of 
sea water parametrs from Helicopter", KISR/EG-G-RT-7703, 

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