Full text: ISPRS 4 Symposium

Sueo Ueno 
Kanazawa Institute of Technology,P.0.Kanazawa- 
South, Nonoichimachi,Ishikawa 921,Japan 
In 300 square kilometer test area located within Kanazawa re 
gion in Hokuriku district of Japan, the study was performed 
such that the original multispectral scanner system (MSS) 
data and three sets of resampled data are independently cla 
ssified with (or without) deblurring, and are displayed in 
eleven land use classes, allowing for the mean values and 
covariance. Some of these studies on the resampled, classi 
fied, and deblurred (or blurred) data sets are as follows: 
(1) For all land use classes in training areas the nearest 
neighbor assignment offers the best preservation of original 
mean grey levels (or shapes),mean surface albedos, and their 
covariances in spectral band 4,5, and 6. (2) In training sam 
ples of coastal zone waters and broad-leaved trees both of 
the bilinear and cubic convolution resampled data showed no 
ticeable anomaly as compared to the nearest neighbor resam 
pled ones in band 4,5, and 6. (3)There seems to be no signi 
ficant difference between the quadratic discriminant classi 
fication results of the three resampling schemes. 
In general, preprocessing includes the operations of sensor 
calibration, scene or radiometric calibration, and the cor 
rection of geometric inaccuracies of the scanning process. 
In what follows, for the sake of simplicity, the preproces 
sing of MSS data is confined to the radiometric and geometric 
Preliminary Data Handling 
The Landsat data in digital format handled by us is the th 
ree Computer Compatible Tapes (CCT) with identification and 
annotation records. The annotation record contains informa 
tion regarding the condition of exposure such as the date 
(11SEP75),SUN EL(48°),AZ(131°),C(N35-56/E137-22), and ID(22 
32-00470). The annotated and corrected 185km square ground 
scene on the CCT is a final product of MSS. A scene is made 
up of 2340 parallel scan lines, each containing approximately 
3264 data samples. Our study for the estimation of resampling 
effects on Landsat imagery was made on 256X256 pixels three 
bands images of a region containing Kanazawa city and its 
Radiometric Correction 
On making use of CCT in the linear mode, the scene radiance 
R(mw/cm ,sr,ym) in each band can be evaluated from the cor 
rected linear digital value x by means of the expression

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