Full text: Precision and speed in close range photogrammetry (Part 1)

CRISP follows the general directions for the communication 
between the operator and the DSR-1 and is designed to provide: 
* Operator-friendly functions and procedures, 
Effective operator/machine dialogues, 
Short and clear information at the operator control panel, 
Detailed information at the demand terminal (if necessary), 
Help functions, whenever it is desired 
Robustness in a statistical sense by detection of outliers 
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Robustness in the sense of guiding the inexperienced 
operator. | 
4. DISCUSSION of CRISP modules 
4.1 Initialisation/Projectinformation management 
This program module controls the input of various data on 
a project that is being done. The man-machine communication is 
guided by the host computer Pl. 
The following categories of information are being 
* Project information such as name, area, size etc.; 
* Date, Operator; 
* Dimensions (metric, english); 
*  Modelconfiguration (single image, single stereo model or 
General purpose information block about the project. This 
can be the name and address of a customer, the desired 
completion date, accumulated working hours, operators 
working on this project, company information about this 
project etc.). 
4.2 Object space data management 
Again the man-machine communication is only guided by the 
host computer. Two different cases are considered: 
a) Point management 
This allows input, deleting,inserting, listing and correction 
of object space control points. The module accepts points with 
x and/or y and/or z coordinates. 
b) Observation management 
This allows input, deleting, inserting, listing and correction 
of terrestrial observations. Kinds of observations to be con- 
sidered are distances, angles, azimuths, differences of heights, 
conditions that certain points are on a straight line, con- 
ditions that points are on a circle. 
4.3 Camera management 
Module for editing camera parameters 

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