Full text: Precision and speed in close range photogrammetry (Part 1)

Pair Common| 96 B:H [| Root mean square errors (in mm) 
. points [Overlap | ratio on the ground on the negative 
left right X Y Z X ty 
SLO1 SL17| 8 49-1] 4:32] 49 53 108 que .002 
SLO! S536| 4 12 1:26 | 40 49 | 97 | 03 | om 
sLo1 ss39| 6 5 v25| 64 64 64 | 017 | .005 
SL17 S536| 6 56 | t:44| 54 56 | 166 | 028 | .018 
S339 SLO1 6 6 1:19| 54 60 81, 1 01.1 008 
9339 SL17| 6 33 1° 4311 44 61 100 | 011. | 12 
S339 S536| 5 52 | 1284 35 | > 73 138) | 001. 1 ..017 - 
S339 S539| 5 47 1:30| 87 7 109 | 001 | .008 
S433 S436| 4 59 | 1-37 | 40 55 109. {014 | 003 
S435 sat. 4 30 1:24 | 28 27 90 | 018 | 023 
S435 Sit 6 30 1:23] 82 23 191 | 013 | O17 
$435 SL17 4 53 | 131] 26 17. |. 92. | 004 1... 036 
S435 S436| 4 89 | 1122 | 32 o8 145 | 012 | O14 
S435 S536| 5 Poblet :9^]b'à49^ |. PF omre?|"3s 
S435 S539| 5 23 122]. 51 34 133 | .025 | .041 
S436 SLOI 4 38 1:2.9 30 33 55 022 | 022 
S436 SL17| 3 28 1361 34 33 45 | 008 | 014 
S436 S536| 2 25, 1:12.54. ..12 225 hi8. lo00z. [0t 
Table:5 44 46 | 109 | .014 | Ote 

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