Full text: Precision and speed in close range photogrammetry (Part 1)

"The satisfactory results obtained were in very large 
measure due to good fortune; and we are left with the very 
uncomfortable feeling that the possibility of faithful rest- 
oration of important monuments after serious damage is largely & 
matter of luck" (Thompson, 1962), The restoration of the dome of 
Castle Howard was certainly &ttended by fortuitous circumstances 
and, not least, by the involvement of E,H,Thompson who was 
capable of bringing a sharp mind to bear on these peculiar 
photogrammetric problems, Have we learnt from the lesson which 
Castle Howard and Thompson should have taught us? There have been 
great advances in architectural photogrammetry during the 20 
years which have elapsed since then, Commission V of the 
International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing has 
played a notable part in those advances, especially since 1968 
through the International Committee for Architectural Photo- 
grammetry, However, it certainly remains the case that thorough 
restoration after dramatic damage or unforeseen circumstances is 
likely to owe nearly as much to good fortune now as then, We need 
to ask whether photogrammetry could not be used more effectively 
to ensure the survival of our architectural heritage. 
Needless to say, this account draws heavily upon the original 
article in The Photogrammetric Record (Thompson, 1962; Atkinson, 
1977b), The purvose of the present paper is to emphasise the 
significance of the original work: plagiarism is not intended, 
Figs.l and 5 are copyright Country life. Pigs.2,3 end 4 were 
originally supplied by Mr,George Howard and Mr,Trenwith Wills, 
Although Fig.6 appeared in Thompson (1962), it was drawn by the 
present author! 
Atkinson, K.B,, 1977s, A biographical tribute to Professor E,H, 
Thompson, Photogrammetric Record, 9(50): 193-211, 
Atkinson, K,B.(Ed), 1977b, Photogrammetry & Surveying. 
A selection of papers by E,H, Thompson 1910-1976, 
The Photogrammetric Society, London. 359 pages: 108-134, 
Thompson, E,H,, 1962, Photogrammetry in the restoration of 
Castle Howard, Photogrammetric Record, 4(20): 94-119, 

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