rer 63
Airborne Sensor Systems
Gunther Schänzer and Detlef Kayser, Technical University
of Braunschweie, Germany «ciere Pere oerte elio ee eee bite atta AbS 76
Session D-1 Commission II - Special Project - Upgrading Photogrammetric
Upgrading of Stereoplotters with New Hardware and
Software Components
Klaus Szangolies, Commission II Special Project, Germany....................... ss 77
Upgrading Photogrammetric Instruments
Patrick Wong, 1.5.M. International Systemap Corp. ................. sees 81
Upgrading of Stereoplotters by Carl Zeiss
Reiner Schwebel, Carl Zeiss, Germany .........«- iui vias srsmrosesiion 87
Upgrading the AVIOLYT Family of Leica's Analytical
Instruments to the Leica Photogrammetric Workstation
Alfons.Meid, Leica. AG PMU, SwitzerlanhQ............ c cerreo reete ttn eerte rte amena aee 91
Session D-2 WG II/2 - Hardware and Software Aspects of GIS - Part A
An Even Faster Range Search Algorithm for
Multi-Dimensional Point Sets
Y.C. Lee, and Benson O. Agi, University of New Brunswick................................ 97
Automated Inventory and Mapping of Forest Resources
Using Remotely Sensed Images
Francois Cavayas and Stéphane Chalifoux, University of Montréal................... 106
Performace Prediction of AVNIR by a Simulator
Hajime Koshiishi, Remote Sensing Technology Center, Japan;
Masao Naka, National Aerospace Laboratory, Japan;
Yoshiyuki Kawata, Kanazawa Technology Institute, Japan;
Yoshitaka Iwata, Fujitu F.I.P. Co. Ltd., Japan. ct Be Brin Ses Hed Pee cet 107
3D Virtual GIS
Nickolas L. Faust, Georgia Tech Research Institute, U.S.A.................. eee 114
An Object Orientated Query-Language for Images
Mohamed El Ansari and Liming Chen, Technology University
of Compiègne; France. nm. dots Fontanesieuetenennnnennntnnntet=tnites 122