Full text: Systems for data processing, anaylsis and representation

11334 Data - Part B 
… 146 
A Precise Positioning/Altitude System in Support of 
Airborne Remote Sensing 
K.-P. Schwarz, M.A. Chapman, M.E. Cannon, P. Gong, and 
D. Cosandier, The University:of Calgary... Ad AA 191 
GPS Controlled Triangulation of Single Flight Lines 
130 Ayman Habib and Kurt Novak, Ohio State University, U.S.A. ........................... 203 
Session F-2 WG II/3 - Technologies for Large-Volumes of Spatial 
Large Spatial Object Handling in Geographic Information Systems 
.. 128 Wenjin-Zhou, UNISYS SYSTEM 9 GIS .….uvrrriririrenmanmninemencnnnannnennnennnannsnnnnns 212 
Land Information Network for Canada 
Douglas O'Brien, Terry Fisher, Bert Guindon, Richard Boudreau 
and Frangois Faucher, Natural Resources Canada.................... "c. 221 
Satellite Data Management and Dissemination at the 
U.S. Geological Survey EROS Data Center 
Lyndon R. Oleson and Thomas M. Holm, U.S. Geological Survey, 
U.S.A.; Darla J. Werner, Hughes STX Corporation, U.S.A. ..................... sss 229 
Obtaining Earth Observation Data from U.S. and 
International Data and Information Systems 
7-155 James R. Thieman and Lola Olsen, NASA /Goddard Space 
Flight Center, U.S.A. ...................- LARES e lettre e RA E itu ble 235 
Session G-1 WG II/1 - Real-Time Mapping Technologies 
… 162 - Sensor Integration 
Integrating Differential GPS With an Inertial Navigation 
System (INS) and CCD Cameras for a Mobile GIS Data 
52163 Collection System 
N. El-Sheimy and K.-P. Schwarz, The University of Calgary............................... 241 
Design and Simulation of a Real-Time Mapping Satellite for 
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 
Abdulaziz Alobaida and Kurt Novak, Military Institute of Surveying 
_ 174 and Geographical Studies, Saudi Arabia 07 AIO AREA OISE 250 
Demonstration of Selected Aspects of a Utility Mapping System (UMS) 
183 Dean Merchant, Topo Photo Inc.; Robert Tudhope, Ontario Hydro ................... 253 

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