Fig.7 shows the degradation of spatial re- graded by this motion. The amount of the
solution by atmosphere. (a) is a black and degradation depends on start point of the
white sine input scene. (b) is the output integration. Fig.8 shows the motion degra-
for 50m black and white input and (c) is dation. (a) is the white and black input
the output for 16m black and white input scene. (b) is the best case and (c) is the
scene. The atmosphere has serious effect worst case. The difference of best and
on high resolution imaging. Worst is determined by the start point of
integration. AVNIR can change the integra-
5.4 Motion degradation in along track tion time. Resolution in along track be
able to improve by this change of integra-
i tion time.
RA a
Some performance predictions of AVNIR based
on simulation studies using a digital simu-
: 0 380
latior are given. Followings are concluded.
METER 1140 1520 (1) AVNIR will have some aliasing effect by
the inherent sampling process as like
(a) White and black input pattern as a usual pushbroom IS.
(2) Resolution degradation by cross talk
will be negligible because of its spec-
tral sensitibity and stagger arrange-
ment of sensor elements
(3) Atmosphere will have considerable
effect on spatial resolution
(4) Spatial resolution in along track will
Q0 380 760 1140 1520 be affected by the platform motion. It
HETER depends on the start point of the in-
tegration. Capability of integration
(b) Output of best case time is usefull for improvement of the
resolution in along track.
More detailed simulation using the real
characteristics of AVNIR is now in the
planning stage.
0 380 760 1140 1520 H.Koshiishi,et al.: Simulator of pushbroom
METER scan spectrometer, Proceedings of IGARS
S'93, Aug.18-21, 1993, Tokyo, Japan, pp
(c) Output of worst case 882-884
H.Koshiishi : Why the pushbroom scan, and
what the limitation ?, Proceedings of
18th ISTS, 1992, Kagoshima, Japan. pP
Fig.8 Motion degradation in along track 1925-1930
In along track imaging, the signal from
the ground is integrated during flight.
Therefore, spatial resolution will be de-