image of a stereo-pair by image matching.
There are several techniques available to
perform this task, which fall into two
categories: area-based and feature-based
matching. The area-based least squares
image matching (LSM) technique has been
selected for this development. LSM derives
a shaping function from one image window
to another by minimizing the gray level value
differences between the two matching
windows. Briefly, this is done by forming an
observation equation for each pixel being
matched at a particular position of the target
array as it moves in the search area. Each
observation equation compares the gray level
values of the pixels being matched to
estimate geometric and radiometric
differences between the two images
[Rosenholm, 1986].
LSM has several advantages:
* High precision can be obtained.
Precision of up to 0.05 pixel has been
reported in the literature.
» The geometric and radiometric
differences between two images can be
* The solution is highly redundant, even for
small window size, which provides a
strong least squares solution.
* The information obtained at one matching
position can be used as a guide for the
next iteration, which avoids a systematic
search. LSM .is. therefore
computationally efficient and is suitable
for a real time solution.
LSM also posses certain problems:
* The algorithm, which has been developed
by the use of Taylor's expansion to
linearize the observation equations,
excludes the non-linear higher order
terms from the solution process.
Therefore, a good initial approximation is
needed for the matching position .
* Multi-solution (non-unique solution) may
occur in areas where repetitive patterns
and high frequency texture exist.
In the development of the pseudo-stereo
mapping technique these problems have been
largely overcome by predicting the close
vicinity of the matching position. This is
accomplished by applying the epipolar
geometry as a constraint, and introducing a
close approximation for the elevation of the
feature point to be mapped. In the absence of
other information, the average terrain
elevation, calculated from the control points,
is accepted as the initial value. A contour
map and familiarity with the general trend of
the topography could facilitate the making of
a better selection. This elevation is later
refined as the correlation and the
determination of the object space coordinates
progresses and more exact elevation values
are generated [Chen, 1993]. The procedure
followed in the computation of the object
space coordinates of the digitized points is
shown in Figure 2.
3.1 Test Materials and Method
The pseudo-stereo mapping technique was
tested on a stereo pair of black-and-white
photographs, covering the City of Fredericton
and vicinity. The photographs were taken at
a scale of 1:35 000, with a wide angle
camera. The downtown area, which spreads
along the south shore of the St. John River, is
essentially flat at an elevation near sea level.
From there the terrain has a steady incline
and reaches an elevation of 130 m at the city
Digital images were generated by scanning
the paper prints in a Hewlett-Packard ScanJet
Plus document scanner. The contrast and
brightness parameters of the scanner were
adjusted before scanning to equalize the
mean gray level values in the two images.
Considering the limited disk space available
in the computer, the scanning resolution was
restricted to 300 dots-per-inch (dps) or 118
dots-per-cm, which resulted in a pixel size of
85 um in the image and 3.0 m on the ground.
The radiometric resolution was set to 256
gray levels.
GCPs for the determination of the exterior
orientation elements were obtained from 1:1
200 scale maps. The contour interval is 1.0
m overall, but in areas where the elevation is
below 15 m, the interval is 0.5 m.
A total of 120 feature points of different
types were digitized on the screen in Photo 1.
The features selected were residential streets,
buildings, a bridge, railway line and a sports
field. The ground coordinates of each were
then con
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with the
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3.2 Test
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