In spatial domain, the corresponding wavelet will be
w(x). The dilation of this function by s
v (0) = sy (sx) (5)
is used for the wavelet transformation of the image
through its application along each image coordinate
direction. The wavelet w(x) can be interpreted as the
impulse response of a band-pass filter. Therefore, a
wavelet transformation is a convolution with a dilated
band-pass filter. The scale parameter s defines the
size of the features to be enhanced by this transfor-
mation. When scale decreases, finer details are em-
phasized. Various types of y(x) (or correspondingly
of ¥(w)) can be used, according to the characteristics
of the sought features. In our experiments, road net-
works in SPOT images were enhanced using
di 2
3 [sin |
H(o) = (cos 5) and ¥ (0) = we (6)
The wavelet transformation of an image generates a
new image version, in which road networks are more
prominent. These networks are then precisely identi-
fied through dynamic programming, which is a gen-
eral multistage optimization technique to solve
problems by maximizing a merit function (or minimiz-
ing a cost function) [Ballard & Brown, 1982]. Its appli-
cation to edge extraction involves the definition of a
function which embodies the notion of "best edge",
and the solution of an optimization problem to extract
the actual edge. A such function can be defined as
n n-1
hx, ux) m s s(x) +a Y QOO Xr +1) (7)
k=1 k=1
where s(x,) expresses edge strength, q (X, X, , 4)
expresses change in edge direction between two
successive edge pixels, and a is a negative constant.
By evaluating the above function for possible edge
paths, we select as edge the sequence of eight-con-
nected pixels which maximizes the merit function.
The disadvantages of this approach can be synop-
sized as follows:
Q time consuming due to pixel-by-pixel tracking,
Q sensitive to noise,
a difficulty in bridging edge gaps, and
Q appropriate only for low curvature edges.
To overcome the above disadvantages, an edge can
be extracted as a set of n smaller segments defined
by the seed points Poy P»,,..,P? which are man-
ually provided on-screen. The merit function is then
expressed as the summation of smaller terms
h(P Puy = Ho (Py, PY + 1, (Py Po) +
Fon Py Py) (8)
The original seed positions can be altered during the
solution. A preset value 5 defines the maximum al-
lowable change in the position of seed points
(|Pj- P*| = |V\<5) and it is used to eliminate
tracking errors associated with the selection of mis-
leading local maxima. Each term hi( PP; 0) 9*
presses how well a path in the image connecting
points P; and P, , , satisfies the merit function.
Applied to road extraction, the definition of the asso-
ciated merit function is based on four observations:
0 a road pixel is lighter than its neighbors on both
road sides,
0 a road is usually smooth and of limited curvature,
Q gray values along a road usually do not change
very much within a short distance, and
Q road width does not change significantly.
These four conditions are formulated and combined
as a merit function
h(P P, a) = Y [S(P) +aD(Py +BT(P,)]
P,€ C,
+KQ(P, Pi. (9)
where S(P, denotes road strength, D(P,) the lo-
cal variance of strength, T(P,) the local texture,
Q(P; P;,1) the difference of directions, and a.Bx
are constants.
This multistage optimization problem is solved by dy-
namic programming. The advantages of the modified
optimization method (improved dynamic program-
ming) are:
2 efficient handling of long curves,
Q robustness in the presence of noise, and
Q ability to bridge edge gaps.
Active contour models, also known as "snakes", are
energy minimizing splines, guided by shape and radi-
ometry forces to fit to, and thus identify, edges in dig-
ital images [Kass et al., 1988]. Their implementation
is semi-automatic, with an operator manually provid-
ing the necessary initial edge approximations in the
form of a few seed points. The desired edge behavior
is expressed in energy terms and assuming that local
energy minima correspond to object boundaries,
edges are ic
E. This func
metric (Ej).
Parameter ?
of the initial
part assume
sity in the di
edge points
the edge cot
uous in first
its smoothr
through an
snake to ap
lterative con
simulating tt
ded in a visc
ing dynamic
Fig. 2:
Active conto
Q They a
weak regi
Q They c:
open and
Q They ca
corners b
ity constre
Q Their m
and custo!
(e.g. paral
Q Snakes
traction b
ing camer
This modifie
tion and trac
Ing. A synth