iversity of
iculture, is
1 be used to
uction as a
1994). The
nts which
ig, a yield
for salinity
GPS / yield
ler normal
| C/A code
to provide
sts using a
the code
1992). Once
quent years
> used as a
ol for this
e variety of
1s layers of
the DGPS
crop yields
h salinity
ons can be
when it is
can also be
h as aerial
linity, soil
llected for
oject is to
p for any
t season of
this year,
in treated
is used to
t shown in
The figure
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ds allows
blem areas
ing results
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| by high
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en SET
£0) Alaa
Fig. 5: Yield Map (3rd Dimension is Yield)
Hussar Site Subset
Once all of the necessary data has been sorted into
their respective layers, relationships and effects
between each layer can be determined. This
information can be used to optimize the field
potential by treating the field based on the
specific sub-class of different sections. A field may
have several distinct classes of soil that should
have different quantities and mixtures of
fertilizers applied to it in order to get maximum
yield. The variable rate application would also
take into account other variables such as salinity,
topography and history of previous crops and
The test field consists of gently rolling hills with a
steep north facing hill in the middle. The GPS
monitor station was installed near the field and
the moving platform was operating within a few
km from the reference station. The crop was
harvested on September 20 and 21 1993. On
November 9, soil samples were taken at various
locations for cross-referencing the first dataset.
Table 5: RMS Agreement Between Carrier Phase
Smoothing and OTF Solutions at Crossover Points
RMS of Differences
Date East North | Height
(m) (m) (m)
Sept. 21 0.14 0.21 0.51
Nov. 9 0.14 0.26 0.66
The positioning accuracy requirements in this
project are 0.5 m horizontally and 1.0 m vertically.
Two techniques were used to reduce the DGPS data,
namely a carrier-smoothing of the code technique,
and a on-the-fly ambiguity resolution procedure
(OTF). The achievable height accuracy was
verified by comparing the estimated positions
using these two techniques, i.e. the OTF solution
was used as a reference trajectory. Table 5 shows
the results for each of the two test days and
illustrates that the positioning requirements are
being met using the current configuration.
4.4 Highway Inventory
Over the past several years, developments into
the combination of land-based precise positioning
with imagery to form a 'highway inventory
system’ have been ongoing. Early systems, such as
the Alberta Mobile Highway Inventory System
(MHIS), used dead-reckoning sensors such as gyros,
accelerometers and compasses along with video
imagery to continuously record visual information
which was tagged with a positional locator.
Information on pavement condition as well as the
highway infrastructure (e.g. signs, guardrails)
could then be used by engineers and planners for in-
house reconnaissance which would minimize field
One of the major drawbacks of the system was the
error from the positioning module caused by drifts
in the sensor output. To circumvent this problem,
the sensors required frequent calibration which
greatly affected productivity. In 1988, the
feasibility of using GPS combined with an inertial
navigation system (INS) to improve the
positioning accuracy to the level of 0.2-0.3 m was
demonstrated (Schwarz et al. ,1990).
CCD camera
Ati de
Fig.6: VISAT Concept (Schwarz et al.,1993)