Full text: Systems for data processing, anaylsis and representation

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the exte- 
of images, and the mapping from orthoim- 
ages, have not reached advanced levels of au- 
tomation. Operator intervention is still nec- 
essary in these tasks. This group of tasks 
has to be solved by determining the corre- 
spondence between an image and a model of 
the object space; for example, for the exterior 
orientation of an aerial photograph one has 
to determine a match between ground con- 
trol points and their conjugate locations in 
the image. Finding such a match is a very 
difficult problem, because it requires match- 
ing the 3-D ground representation of control 
points, which is in vector form, to the 2-D im- 
age representation of the same points, which 
is in raster form. 
In photogrammetric practice, the correspon- 
dence between image and object spaces is es- 
tablished by identifying and measuring con- 
trol points in images manually In many 
cases, such as in satellite images or small scale 
aerial photographs, it is very difficult to iden- 
tify control points due to the low resolution 
of the images. This paper presents a general 
procedure for exterior orientation of images 
by matching features in the image with those 
on the ground. This approach is extremely ef- 
ficient for orienting satellite images and small 
scale aerial photos. Thus, it has a great po- 
tential for real time mapping applications. 
During the past three years a mobile map- 
ping system has been developed and imple- 
mented by the Center for Mapping at The 
Ohio State University. It collects informa- 
tion about the environment of highways from 
a driving van. The GPS receiver mounted 
on the vehicle (GPSVan) determines the road 
alignment in a ground coordinate system [No- 
vak 1991]. These road alignments provide a 
model of the road in object space. Digital 
images of the same area can be analyzed to 
extract roads automatically. By comparing 
roads on the ground and in the images, a cor- 
respondence between linear features in object 
and image spaces can be established auto- 
matically. Consequently, the automatic exte- 
rior orientation of digital images using linear 
features as control can be solved [Tankovich 
1991, Mikhail 1993]. 
The system implemented for solving the cor- 
respondence problem between linear features 
in images and on the ground consists of three 
modules. These modules are the ground mod- 
ule, the image module, and the matching 
module. They are discussed in the follow- 
ing sections. Practical results are presented 
in section 5 of this paper. 
The GPSVan captures a huge number of dis- 
crete 3-D ground coordinates representing the 
centerline of a road. The goal of this ground 
module is to segment road centerlines and de- 
scribe them mathematically. The first step 
is the detection of the critical (important) 
points of the road alignment. Next, the co- 
efficients of the B-splines are computed such 
that the critical points serve as break points 
of the piecewise polynomials. 
2.1 Detection of Critical Points 
The detection of critical points for B-spline 
representation is a crucial step, because these 
points are representative of the original data. 
Redundant points should be deleted, and im- 
portant features of the original data should 
be maintained. 
The method implemented by the authors is 
based on the local properties of the curve. 
It depends on calculating the angles between 
two line segments P; ,P; and P;P;,,. All 
points P; for which this angle is less than a 
threshold are deleted. This method has the 
advantage of keeping only a few points for a 
straight line, and many points for lines of high 
curvature [Ballard and Brown 1982]. 
2.2 Cubic B-splines Representation 
Splines are named after the draftman's de- 
vice for drawing fair curves between specific 

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