Full text: Systems for data processing, anaylsis and representation

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ing aims at connecting pixels to road seg- 
ments. Finally, each road segment is stored 
as a list of pixel coordinates; a size threshold 
is used to eliminate short segments. 
3.2 Segment Grouping 
The roads extracted by the previous opera- 
tions are highly fragmented due to the effect 
of noise, poor contrast, and occlusions. Thus, 
there is a need for a procedure to group seg- 
ments that belong together and fill the gaps 
between them in a meaningful way. The seg- 
ment integration process is based upon two 
main features: proximity and alignment of 
pairs of segments. As a first requirement, seg- 
ment [ is considered to be a neighbor of seg- 
ment q, if | and q are reasonably close to each 
other, as gauged by the distance between their 
nearest end points. The second requirement 
is that the trend or alignment of segment I 
(relative to the end that is nearest q) does 
not deviate too much from the alignment of 
segment q (at q's end nearest to I) [Vasude- 
van 1988]. After the valid neighbors of every 
segment are determined, they are grouped to- 
gether as continuous road segments. Finally, 
the gaps between the grouped segments are 
filled by the process of fitting cubic B-splines. 
This module aims at finding the best matches 
between the roads extracted from digital im- 
ages and their corresponding 3-D models in 
object space. The roads in both image and 
object spaces are represented by paramet- 
ric cubic B-splines. These splines have the 
property of shape invariance under projec- 
üve transformation. Thus, the coefficients 
of these splines form the primitives for the 
matching process. The search for the best 
match is conducted using tree search meth- 
4.1 Primitives and Relations 
The coefficients (vertices) of the splines form 
the primitives, while the distances between 
the vertices describe the interrelationships be- 
tween these primitives. The segmented roads 
in object space are represented by a sequence 
of vertices of the guiding polygon as follows: 
a vertex O; is represented as (.X;, Y;, Zi, 6;), 
where X;, Y;, Z; are the coordinates of the ver- 
tex and 6; is the angle it encloses. The seg- 
mented roads in image space are also repre- 
sented by a sequence of the vertices of the 
guiding polygon: a vertex L; is represented 
as (z;, 9, ;), where z;,y; are the image co- 
ordinates of the vertex and o; is the angle it 
encloses. 'The distance 7; between two suc- 
cessive vertices in object space describes the 
relationship between these vertices. In addi- 
tion, the distance R; between two successive 
vertices in image space describes the relation- 
ship between these vertices. The distances in 
image and object space are related through 
the image scale. 
4.2 The Matching Problem 
The matching problem between the object 
model M;(O, T), where O and T are the vec- 
tors of primitives and relationships of the ob- 
ject model, and the image model M;(L, R), 
where L and R are the vectors of primitives 
and relationships of the image model, is sim- 
ply to find a mapping f between primitives 
O and L. Since there may be many possi- 
ble mappings f : L — O, a measure has to 
be introduced, which evaluates the quality of 
the mapping between two primitives. Intu- 
itively, the evaluation of a mapping should 
depend on the similarity of the attribute val- 
ues of the corresponding primitives and rela- 
tions. The approach to find the best mapping 
is called the inexact cosistent-labeling prob- 
lem [Shapiro and Haralick, 1985]. 
Inexact consistent-labeling utilizes the con- 
cept of a cost function. For every possible 
mapping between the object model and the 
image model, a cost is considered based on 
the similarity of the corresponding primitives 
and relations. The best mapping is the one 

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