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applications, but will not work for the type of
large objects such as remotely sensed data. First,
queries are issued to retrieve images by their
content, e.g. to find all images that have Lake
Ontario. This search requires indexes on the result
of a classification function (on virtual attributes)
and not on raw images. Second, indexing functions
for images and text often return a collection of
values for which efficient access is desired. For
example, a keyword extraction function might
return a set of relevant keywords for a document,
and the user desires indexing on all keywords.
To be able to retrieve large object stored in
databases we must associate identifying
parameters with each of the large objects. It is
through these parameters that we can select stored
large objects for display, comparison, queries and
further analysis. Primary parameters are produced
when large objects are obtained and describe the
large object's acquisition procedures and it's related
properties. For fast systematic analyses and access
we need to retrieve images based upon their
contents. The pixels that make the image are
rarely suitable for direct search. If we can provide
secondary parameters indicating the location and
type of objects seen on the image, the database
searches could be enabled that directly serve the
end-user’ objectives. Modern GISs without such a
retrieval capability will not be justifiable.
However, the majority of secondary parameters
used today, when available at all, is entered by
humans after visually scanning an image
[Wiederhol 1989 and Chang 1992], This
observation motivates us to use abstraction
techniques to generate the secondary parameters.
Although a completely automated abstraction is
our long term goal, only semi-automatic analysis
and classification are used in this research to
generate the DAD that is used as secondary
parameters in the content based queries.
Before we look into our examples, let us first
consider how big some typical spatial objects may
be in GISs:
a) a scanned 8 bits map data 10, 000 by 10,000 pixels
without compression is about 100 MB;
b) a SPOT panchromatic image 6000 by 6000 is
about 36 MB;
¢) a Landsat Thematic frame(7 bands) is about 300
With more than 1000 large objects in a GIS
database, we can imagine how important it is to
effectively and efficiently store, transfer and
process these large objects. The methods used to
handle these large spatial objects will mainly
decide the success of GISs.
6.1 Application Examples
Without practical examples with real GIS queries
to large spatial objects, we can only speculate on
the efficiency of the methods we presented. In the
previous section, we have analyzed types of
queries a user may actually run against large
spatial objects and shown how often the abstracted
data can be used to answer user's queries. In this
section we will demonstrate the difference in
system performance when our approaches are used.
To show the performance improvement using our
proposed methods, we use a data base that consists
of ten large image objects(about 50 MB), 5 MB
vector and attribute data(including DRAD and
DAD). We consider this database very small
compared to real GIS data bases. This database is
stored in the disk on a SUN SPARC 2 station with
32 MB memory. We post the following five
different types of queries on large spatial objects in
the database:
1) Overview: display an image in a window;
2) Zoom/pan: Zoom/pan an image.
3) Thematic selections: Show me the percentage of
"Water Coverage" in a large image object.
4) Range Query: Show the image that is contained
in a polygon ABCD.
5) Automatic analysis: Detect all edges in a
Landsat image using a predefined method"
These selections are often followed by further
processing steps in practical applications to refine
the selections. This is an important feature in large
object queries. We will not discuss this in this
paper because this refinement is very specific for
each particular application.
6.2 Query Cost Comparisons
a) Query One: Image Overview
Using the traditional method, we would need to
read all image data from the database into
memory, zoom out the image to make it fit in the
window and then display image data on the
window. This will take several minutes to
In the proposed method, we just retrieve the
overview image that is generated using lower data
quantization and spatial resolution at the time