Full text: Systems for data processing, anaylsis and representation

0| Identify | 
Object System Phases 
oi Identify Phases and | 
Activity List 
Functions / Activities 
per phase of 
Object System 
Momm. cs = 
Weight Phases and 
Uneven dac Functions (and 1f necessary 
qc iterate results of weighting 
a 5 Develo i using the Delphi Technique | 
ontingency Mode ientivi 
(Criteria) Lo reduce the subjectivity) 
Could be Aspects and Weight values for | 
Level of Decomposition. Activities & Phases 
— Lc 4 
eus List Organisational 
Assign Values to Constraints for Object 
Criteria System. | 
Criteria & ete —: 
Value List 2" Match Organisational 
Constraints with list of 
methodologies and tech- 
nics and then filter. 
Preliminary filtered 
List of Methodologies 
and Techniques 
Figure 4 Scenario of the Evaluation Model (Continued). 

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