J.Clark Beattie
LINNET Graphics International Inc.
600-191 Broadway Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3C 3T8
Telephone: (204) 957-7566
Fax: (204) 957-7568
As little as two years ago the concept of digital orthophotography was rarely mentioned outside
of the research labs. Today, many vendors provide software to perform the corrections, soft
copy photogrammetry is a reality, several companies provide full data production services and
most GIS software has the capability of integrating digital orthophoto data structures.
LGI has pioneered the use of digital orthophotography as a reference data set for GIS
applications being developed for the MLRIS. Digital orthophotography provides a cost effective
solution for the development of GIS data bases since it can be produced in a timely manner,
takes advantage of modern data collection systems and has the potential to dramatically change
the way users visualize and utilize topographic data.
This paper will present the Manitoba experience form the perspective of how digital
orthophotography data are being produced and used for various GIS applications. An analysis
will be made of the pros and cons of these type of data as compared to conventional vector
based topographic data sets. A technical analysis will also be presented to provide guidance to
others who may wish to take advantage of this new technology.