publications and then to add them to the library of symbols.
Authors’ symbols can be submitted to Cartography in a
digital format which is then imported into ARC/INFO.
Cartography will attribute contacts and faults
after scanning.
Contacts in parallel should be no closer than the
ink width of the contact (i.e. line weight 0.012",
the distance between the parallel contacts should
be no less than 0.012")
Close geological contacts through open bodies of
water; all contacts should be closed polygons.
Tie edges to adjoining sheets.
B. Structural symbols and reference letters must be
placed on a separate overlay.
Guidelines for this file and coverage specifications for a
digital geology database are being prepared by the GICD
Computer Technology Section. If you wish to have a
preliminary copy or some input into these guidelines,
please contact either Cartography or the Computer
C Any additional information such as radiocarbon date
boxes, area showing drift cover, etc. should be ona Technology Section
separate overlay.
D. Compile on a photolysis or reverse cronaflex image, DIGITAL BASE SOURCES
and include at least 4 reference points (tics) at known
latitude and longitude co-ordinates for maps at both
1:250 000 and 1:50 000 scales and every 1 or 2
1. NTS 1:250 000 and 1:50 000 bases. These can be
ordered from NRCan (613-995-0314).
2 ESRI, DCW, 1:1 000 000. These bases are available
0g, scanned degrees (including the interior co-ordinates for to GSC users for geological map production. The
ols, surround smaller-scale mapping). Ensure that the manuscript coverages are in geographic co-ordinates of 5 degree
included the is carefully registered to the base. Indicate each by 5 degree tiles.
rocedures, overlay by map name, theme (i.e. contacts), a date, : ; ; ;
prose to and a number identifying the overlay as 1 of 4. 3. a 500 000 and 1:2 000 000 bases in
Maximum size is 40" x 70". 0 : :
4. ESRI, Arc/World at 1:25 000 000 and 1:3 000 000 in
ARC/INFO format.
5 expertise by Itis sometimes faster to use a digitizing tablet to convert DIGITAL GEOLOGY SOURCES
procedures, imagery to digital data. This image must be carefully 1) CAD DXF from PC AutoCad systems and MAC CAD
Jata sources,
direction for
registered to planned publication base. How data is
converted depends on what hardware and software is
available, and on the expertise available to use it. At GICD
Cartography, scanning technology is used as much as
systems. These files are imported into ARC/INFO
with the DXFARC command.
2) DLG (digital line graph) from Intergraph or SPANS are
imported with the DLGARC command.
IIC BASES possible. Large format digitizing tables are available to 3) Raster files (TIFF, RLC, SUN raster file)
add new or edited line work to previously scanned and 4) ARC/INFO software
dery from vectorized imagery. 5) Spans software
rivate sector
ata resolution
ake the base
This can be a challenging task for both the geologist and
1) One Sparc10 Server
2) 18 Sparc2 workstations
sed systems, cartographer. There are hundreds of structural symbols 3) 19 Arc/Info 6.1.1 licenses
artography to used on geological maps, and the Cartography Sectionis 4) 1 PC-ARC/INFO 3.4d running on a 486.
y. Publication only just beginning to build its own symbol library. Each 5) 5 Island Graphic licenses
hg 9600010 ib must be designed and digitized into a template, so 6) 4 AutoCad stations, 1 with ArcCad overlay
chnologies to at it becomes an object which can be positioned and ; ;
rotated at a referenced point location on the map. With 3) S Tetfonec x terminais.
ARC/INFO, the symbol is designed and stored as a
RIPTS ‘marker symbol” that can be scaled and rotated. The CONTACTS
author can supply an ASCII or DXF file containing location, Chief, Cartographic & Reproduction Services,
we. and angle of each symbol. Cartography then adds John Bill... 613-996-9348
e symbol to its library. Cartography is cooperating with ‘
! a photolysis her GSC divisions ahd alee with the USGS te 051001aPhy UMS
fting pens as accumulate an extensive symbol library. This will require Vern FOSter........-- erre 613-996-9358
considerable time and effort. It has taken years to build up Gary Labelle. ............... errr 613-943-0738
n). he library of templates for traditional geological maps, and Computer Technology Section
as possible, it will require effort and resources to put all these symbols John Glyrin. .........—.-- ren 613-996-0168
1 unbroken. into a digital format. The approach is to create the new Paul Huppé...................—-- 613-943-0996
digital symbols on an "as required basis" for new Rob Duns. .........— eren 613-943-0996