paradigm of Delta-X is also that of a federated data-
base. That means, servers in a federation form a
community which another servers can join, or which
the servers in the community can leave. When a
server joins a federation, it makes all or some of its
data available to other servers and clients in the fed-
eration. In turn, it also gains the right to access data
on other servers. Access to data on servers within
the federation by clients is subject to authentication
This paper examines architectural and implementa-
tion issues related to Delta-X, focusing on the design
of the Delta-X server and on the design of the Delta-
X client for remote operations and for controlling
remote transactions. The paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2.0 describes the basic architecture of
Delta-X and gives the rationale for its design deci-
sions. Section 3 describes the Delta-X server and its
services. Section 4 describes the Delta-X clients and
their services. Section 5 compares Delta-X to other
client/server distributed data management and
movement architectures. Future work is described in
Section 6. We conclude with Section 7.
2.0 The Architecture of Delta-X
2.1 Requirements and Functional
Delta-X is intended for two types of applications:
First, it can be used in large geographically distrib-
uted organizations in which different departments
share data with each other and which use a multitude
of mutually incompatible software packages and/or
machines. An example of such organization is a
government with its multiple levels (federal, provin-
cial, and municipal).
Second, Delta-X can be used in organizations which
sell data and their customers.(e.g. DigiMap) A data
producer organization can consolidate their data
management and storage and reach the widest possi-
ble customer base (which uses a variety of different
GIS systems running on different machines). Such
organization can distribute the Delta-X software
among its customers, and store the software on one
or more Delta-X servers. A data consumer organiza-
tion on the other hand, can obtain data from any data
producer in a format that can be used by the soft-
ware deployed in the organization.
In both types of applications, each shared data has
one owner and data is typically updated only by the
owner (which is the producer of the data), but con-
currently read-accessed by many consumers of the
data. Most transactions in the system are read
accesses to the shared data which do not update the
data or the state of the system. For write accesses to
data, the system must support data check-in and
check-out - data is checked out for an update (which
can take several weeks to complete) and checked
back in after the update has been finished.
The system must support a high degree of concur-
rency, as many transactions accessing the same data
can be active concurrently. The system must also
give the end-user the highest possible degree of con-
trol over a transaction - a transaction must “feel” as
if it would execute on the end-user's machine. On
the other hand, the requirements for roll-back and
recovery are not so stringent - if a transaction fails,
the end-user will restart it, and the system must only
recover used-up disk space. Recovery means to re-
start a transaction (from a given check-point).
To satisfy the above requirements, Delta-X must
handle three main tasks. First it must handle the stor-
age of the shared data. Second, it must handle the
conversion of shared data, stored in an internal data
interchange format, into all desired GIS formats so
that the data can be used by different target systems.
Delta-X also must handle the conversion of data
from target systems into the internal data inter-
change format. Third, Delta-X must facilitate the
transfer of converted data from Delta-X to a target
system and the transfer of data to be converted and
stored in Delta-X from a target system to Delta-X.
A universal data interchange format makes Delta-X
easily extensible: each new GIS data format only
requires two new conversion routines - to and from
the data interchange format. Without the data inter-
change format, adding a new data format from a new
GIS to Delta-X would require to implement conver-
sion routines to and from all formats already sup-
ported by Delta-X (Supporting n different data
formats would require n? conversion routines).
2.2 The Architecture
The architecture that handles all the above tasks is
shown in Figure 1. Delta-X handles the above tasks,
performing multiple client-server roles [4]. First,
Delta-X servers control the data storage in commer-
Delta-X CI
Figure 1: |
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