hared data has
ed only by the
data), but con-
isumers of the
stem are read
not update the
ite accesses to
check-in and
update (which
) and checked
ree of concur-
the same data
em must also
degree of con-
must “feel” as
| machine. On
roll-back and
nsaction fails,
tem must only
' means to re-
Delta-X must
andle the stor-
1st handle the
1 internal data
IS formats so
arget systems.
rsion of data
al data inter-
facilitate the
-X to a target
'onverted and
to Delta-X.
akes Delta-X
. format only
- to and from
he data inter-
at from a new
ment conver-
already sup-
ifferent data
bove tasks is
above tasks,
s [4]. First,
> in commer-
Any ey C7 uy
Delta-X ClientDelta-X Client
DD qe «uu a
Delta-X Client Delta-X ClientDelta-X Client
Figure 1: The Architecture of the Delta-X System
cial DBMS systems. Second, Delta-X is a client-
server transaction processing system - it handles
message and data exchange between Delta-X data-
base and/or other specialized servers and Delta-X
clients. Third, Delta-X performs specialized servers
functions, such as data conversions to and from the
infernal data interchange format. Finally, Delta-X
acts as a proxy client on behalf of GIS systems that
produce or consume data - it is the source or destina-
tion of data in Delta-X transactions.
2.2.1 Delta-X Structure
As can be seen in Figure 1, Delta-X is a loosely cou-
pled network of Delta-X servers and Delta-X clients.
Clients and servers attached to the same LAN form a
cluster. Clusters are connected to each other via a
WAN, which forms the backbone of the Delta-X
system. Servers and/or clients can also be connected
directly to the backbone WAN or, via a dial-up line,
fo one of the cluster servers. The set of all clusters,
clients and servers connected directly to the back-
bone WAN, and clients remotely connected to clus-
er servers forms the Delta-X federation.
Communication between clients and servers in the
federation is IP-based (both over the LAN and the
backbone WAN). Any client can request a transac-
tion from any server in the federation.
A dedicated server in a cluster performs name and
authentication services for all clients in the cluster.
A server can also perform name and authentication
services for clients remotely attached to the server.
Any server on the cluster can cache data from
remote servers. Although having a dedicated server
for certain functions, a client can connect to and
request data from any server in the federation.
A complementary system, the MetaView spatial
browser [2] stores the meta-data on the databases in
the federation. However, MetaView's function is not
limited to Delta-X. A special server, the DxMaster
monitors and coordinates the activities of servers in
the fedration. When a server wants to join or leave
the federation, it contacts the DxMaster, which
updates its configuration and broadcasts the configu-
ration tables to the rest of the servers in the federa-
tion. The DxMaster is duplicated for high
Delta-X takes the three-ball approach to transaction
processing [3], where presentation services, transac-
tion workflow, and applications are run in three sep-
arate processes, usually depicted as balls. The
presentation services are performed by Delta-X cli-
ents. Transaction workflow is controlled by dedi-
cated modules in Delta-X servers. Applications are
the Delta-X data repositories (built on top of com-