of "near-line" data storage. Floptical disk systems are
now providing read-write storage for 21 MB of data on 3-
1/2" diskette.
2.1.4 Display Technology. In order for geographic
information to be useful, it must be converted from its
digital form to a visible product. The visible form that is
most easily interpretable for the human user is that of a
graphic product. Advances in display technology have
brought the graphic display from a 256 X 256 pixel
display capable of displaying pseudo-color images to a
1024 X 1024 pixel, "true color" and stereo display, with
2K X 2K or 4K X 4K displays becoming feasible.
2.1.5 Decreased Cost. What is interesting to note is
that, with the exception of the extreme cutting edge of
the advances mentioned above, this technology is
commonly available in off-the-shelf systems. In addition,
each advance in technology is accompanied by a
corresponding decrease in cost. With each passing year,
we can process more megabytes faster and cheaper.
2.2 Software Advances
2.2.1 Programming. In former years, most of the
software for processing geographic data or images was
written in FORTRAN or assembly language. Currently,
this software is programmed in C or C++. This has
meant, generally, an increase in both processing speed (in
addition to hardware speed increases) and cross-platform
portability. This is particularly important from the
systems point of view since it allows programs
developed, for example, on a workstation to be ported to
the PC environment and vice versa.
This portability is also being enhanced by the general
shift to the use of UNIX operating systems for program
development and operation. While it was once considered
impractical to run UNIX on a PC, this is no longer the
case due to the advances in computing power. The recent
introduction of Windows NT will bring further potential
for cross-platform portability.
Efforts are also beginning to define a set of standards for
geoinformation processing functions which can be
implemented in a programming toolkit. This toolkit
approach would be similar to those used by many of the
windowing environments such as the X-11 toolkit
(Faust, et al., 1991b).
2.2.2 Interface. Another important advance in
geographic information processing has been the move
towards the graphical user interface (GUI). Early systems
required the use, first, of batch processing (essentially no
user interface) and, then, a command line approach often
requiring the memorization of cryptic commands and
complex syntax. Today's software, for the most part,
makes extensive use of a graphical user environment
using windows, icons and buttons. In many cases, the
interface is built using a set of standard interface tools
such as those available in X-Windows, MS-Windows or
the MacOS. This means that the 'look and feel' of the
system is familiar to the user making learning and using
the software easier.
Current trends indicate that, in the future, which interface
a user prefers will have less impact on which software
they use. Products and tools are being developed which
will allow software developed for one interface to run
under another. Examples include Suns WABI (for
Windows software) and a recent agreement to port
Apple's GUI to other platforms.
2.2.3 Integration. Where once there was a clear
division between the various systems and software used
for geographic information processing, we are seeing the
boundaries becoming more and more blurred. In the past,
dedicated image processing systems were used to extract
information from satellite images and photogrammetric
systems to do the same from aerial photos. These data
might be transferred to a GIS for analysis or to a separate
cartographic system for map output. This is no longer
necessarily the case.
Even a cursory look at the literature will show that
systems are being developed and marketed that combine
the features originally available from a dedicated system.
Image processing systems, such as those from Erdas or
Intergraph, offer the capability to perform some
geographic analysis and orthophoto production (formerly
the realm of photogrammetry). On the other hand,
geographic information systems, such as Arc/Info or
ILWIS, offer image processing capabilities and hardcopy
output, as do digital photogrammetric systems, such as
those from Intergraph, Vexel, or Zeiss.
- Many vendors are offering solutions to the "integration"
of digital image processing and GIS. The definition of
integration seems to be somewhat variable and the
solutions range from the ability overlay vector GIS data
on an image backdrop to the combination of "image
processing, complete raster GIS modelling, and powerful
topologic vector digitizing and editing" (Treadwell,
Recently, Advanced Imaging presented a survey of
vendors that offer products for the acquisition,
processing, display, storage and output of digital
imagery. Its list contained about 1100 addresses, most of
them from the United States (Advanced Imaging, 1993).
While the majority of these specialized in areas such as
desk top publishing or medical imaging, many of their
products could be linked to photogrammetric, remote
sensing or GIS applications. Surveys on GIS and remote
sensing software that also demonstrate the integration of
spatial data handling technologies were published by
Parker (Parker, 1989) and Sader and Winne (Sader and
Winne, 1991) and Ehlers (Ehlers, 1992).
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