Full text: Systems for data processing, anaylsis and representation

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> GIS data, 
e GCPs can be extracted from a vector 
database (typically road junctions) 
e Vector data can be overlaid on an image to 
verify the rectification process 
e A DTM can be used to create an ortho- 
image by differential rectification 
4.2 Image classification. 
This is, perhaps, the main task performed by 
image processing system, and can be enhanced 
in a number of ways by the use of GIS data: 
e The use of vector objects for training sets. 
Instead of identifying and digitising training 
sets on the image, an existing vector 
database (with attributes held in a relational 
database) can be used to select objects to be 
used for training the classifier. 
e Object classification. If the image to be 
classified is comprised primarily of 
homogeneous objects (such as fields), it is 
more efficient to classify the image on an 
object-basis, with the objects defined by a 
vector dataset (ie. a single classification is 
given to each field, rather than to each pixel 
within the field, eg. Pedley and Curran, 
1991). This gives the classification greater 
reliability (as untypical pixels - such as 
mixed pixels at the field edges - can be 
easily filtered out). 
* Terrain illumination correction. Images with 
illumination differences caused by terrain 
can be corrected by applying an 
illumination model generated from a DTM 
(eg. Jones et al, 1988). (Incidently, if an 
image is to be used for an image-map, it 
may be necessary to use this technique to 
‘change’ the illumination direction from 
south-east to north-west, to avoid the 
'pseudo-relief' effect). 
* Knowledge-based classification. The latest 
developments of classification algorithms 
(eg. Janssen and Middelkoop, 1992) begin 
to use GIS data for improving classification 
by applying roles. Typical GIS datasets that 
could improve the classification process 
include a DTM, rainfall, slope/aspect and 
existing land-use information. 
4.3 Masking operations. 
Vector objects can be used for a wide range of 
image processing functions to mask areas for 
processing. A simple example of this would be 
to use the coastline to mask out the sea or land 
when applying special processing algorithms to 
the other. Linear vector geometries 
representing boundaries of spatial changes in 
spectral response can be used to define fuzzy 
edges for mosaicing operations. 
All of these functions have been investigated 
and shown to be worthwhile enhancements to 
current image analysis procedures. The main 
reason why these have not been more widely 
implemented, however, is the difficulty in 
building a comprehensive range of vector 
handling functionality into most image 
processing packages. 
There are relatively few GIS functions that can 
be enhanced directly by the use of remotely 
sensed imagery. (However, data derived from 
imagery - such as a land-use classification - 
may be used routinely for a wide range of 
applications). GIS functions using remotely 
sensed imagery are: 
5.1 Image-map backdrop. 
Images are being increasingly used in areas of 
the world where adequate base mapping does 
not exist. This has the advantage of being 
cheaper than vector mapping, more up-to-date 
(and easily updated by acquiring the latest 
imagery), and often showing ground features 
that are not well represented by conventional 
map symbology. These maps are often quite 
adequate for locating "foreground" information, 
such as pipes and cables. 
5.2 Database update (eg. heads-up digitising). 
This is the one area of image processing/GIS 
integration that is often cited. Imagery - 
particularly large scale aerial photography - is 
widely used for updating a wide range of GIS 
datasets from base maps to thematic overlays. 

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