Full text: Systems for data processing, anaylsis and representation

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strengthen control in the lower left corner but point 2004 is 
apparently poorly located, and the errors are unacceptable. 
The overall result of these tests was that the distribution of 
control in test 5 represented the best that could be 
achieved in this project. The results, while not comparable 
with the levels of accuracy to be obtained in temperate 
countries, are acceptable for mapping in this remote 
region. À further advantage is that the relative accuracy of 
measurements within the block is of the order of 1-2 m. 
The lower absolute accuracy is less important for practical 
The output from the block adjustment was used with the 
AP190 analytical plotter to extract heights from one of the 
models of the block. Heights could only be reliably 
extracted on ridge-lines, on exposed rock and where 
crevasses or avalanche scars provided enough surface 
detail for stereo-matching on ice-covered surfaces. These 
elevations gave enough height control for the shape-from- 
shading algorithm described above to be used to extend 
contours onto the snowfields surrounding the central ridge. 
The map created (fig. 3), with contours at an interval of 
25 m, can be compared with an earlier map (fig. 4), 
compiled at a scale of 1:250,000, which was the most 
detailed line map of the area available prior to this work. 
Dr. J. Sievers, Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie, Frankfurt, 
provided the georeferenced TM image. Mr. A. Perkins and 
Mrs J.W. Thomson, British Antarctic Survey, provided 
much helpful discussion. Dr R. Kirby and Dr C. Place, 
University of Edinburgh, were supervisors to RS during this 
project, which was undertaken as part of her MSc course. 
Knight, J.A., 1986, Report on the adjustment of the British 
Antarctic Survey Network: Cambridge, U.K., British 
Antarctic Survey; Internal report. Ref. No. ES2 EW 300/38, 
36 pages [Unpublished]. 
Mcintyre, N.F., 1991, Mapping ice sheets with the 
altimeter: International Journal of Remote Sensing, v. 12, 
p. 1775-1793. 
Rapley, C.G., Griffiths, H.D., Squire, V.A., Lefebvre, M., 
Birks, A.R., Brenner, A.C., Brossier, C., Clifford, L.D., 
Cooper, A.P.R., Cowan, A.M., Drewry, D.J., Gorman, M.R., 
Huckle, H.E., Lamb, P.A., Martin, T.V, Mclntyre, N.F., 
Milne, K., Novotny, E., Peckham, G.E., Schgounn, C., 
Scott, R.F., Thomas, R.H., and Vesecky, J.F., 1983, A 
study of satellite radar altimeter operation over ice-covered 
surfaces: ESA Report 5182/82/F/CG(SC). 224pages. 
Renner, R.G.B., 1982, An improved gravity base-station 
network over the Antarctic Peninsula: British Antarctic 
Survey Bulletin, No. 51, p. 145-149. 
Rouy, E., and Tourin, A., 1992, A viscosity solutions 
approach to shape-from-shading: SIAM Journal of 
Numerical Analysis, v. 29, no. 3, p. 867-884. 
Sievers, J., Grindel, A., and Meier, W., 1989, Digital 
satellite image mapping of Antarctica: Polarforschung, v. 
59, p. 25-33. 
Thomson, J.W., and Cooper, A.P.R., 1993, The SCAR 
Antarctic digital topographic database: Antarctic Science, 
V. 5, p. 239-244. 

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