Full text: Systems for data processing, anaylsis and representation

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from terrain 
the azimuth 
:d, the image 
1e geocoding 
50 generated: 
servation; In 
33 The geocoded result 
In the range direction, the DEM slope is 
approximately in the range [-20°, 27°]. Shadow would 
be generated only at incidence angles greater than 70°, 
and layover only at incidence angles less than 27°. 
The scene centre incidence angle of JERS-1 is 
nominally 35°, therefore no shadow or layover from 
the DEM was to be expected. This is indeed the result 
which was obtained. 
An important internal check on the geocoding is to 
compare the image space layover map against the 
saturated regions of the input image, and also to 
compare the map space shadow and layover maps 
against the saturated regions of he geocoded image. 
However, as these maps are (correctly) empty, all that 
can be done are comparisons between the energy 
conservation maps and the images. These show good 
geometric and radiometric agreement. 
34 Problems with JERS SAR 
There were many problems involved in determining 
from NASDA the exact definitions of the parameters 
in the headers. Some of these problems were solved 
late, some not at all. The consequence of this is that 
our geocoding process is still not properly matched to 
the standard JERS-1 SAR product. In this section, we 
discuss the remaining problems. 
The coordinate system for the orbit is stated to be 
"ECR". "GSFC" is also mentioned in the same 
context. We have used WGS84 with no conversion. 
The actual relationship between these coordinate 
systems is not known. 
We have treated the supplied range samples as if they 
were zero-doppler. It was subsequently confirmed that 
this is not the case. There has not been time to make 
appropriate modifications, but it is believed that the 
necessary parameters do exist in the headers. This 
does not invalidate the results above, as the tiepoint 
correction of the overall projection corrects for this. 
We need to be able to relate the azimuth coordinate of 
the image to azimuth time. This is necessary so that 
use can be made of the orbit. We used a workaround 
involving two tiepoints and a linear approximation 
(described above) as a placeholder, hoping that 
NASDA would help us obtain the necessary 
information. Eventually, NASDA confirmed to us that 
the information does not exist in the standard product. 
It may exist in lower level products. 
Amongst the various parameters in the headers of the 
standard product are corner coordinates of the image, 
given in geographic and map coordinates. In the 
product geocoded above, these were based upon the 
ellipsoid GRS80 and the map projection UTM zone 
31 northern hemisphere. Projection of the corners to 
slant range would provide the necessary relation 
between the azimuth coordinate of the image and the 
azimuth time. However, investigation showed these 
corner coordinates to apparently be in error, 
preventing this approach. The error is large (1 - 4km), 
and cannot be accounted for by datum errors. NASDA 
could not help. 
For the purpose of relating the azimuth coordinate of 
the image to azimuth time, the supplied scene centre 
time differs significantly (almost 600 pixels) from the 
value derived by tiepointing. This would, anyway, 
only have provided half of the necessary information. 
The tiepoint correction of the overall projection from 
the map to the image can be performed using points 
measured in the map, or by using points measured in a 
"simulated" image, as done above. Both approaches 
have drawbacks. The use of published maps 
significantly limits the number of measurable tiepoint 
pairs, due to differences in content from that of the 
image. The use of an image simulated from the terrain 
gives poorer precision in the azimuth direction, due to 
the nature of features in such an image. Neither of 
these problems are specific to JERS-1 SAR; they are 
general to all SAR. 
The use of overlapping pairs of SAR images for the 
production of 3-D data has been outlined in Dowman 
et al (1992) and initial results presented in Dowman 
et al (1993b) . The process requires 3 stages: 
preprocessing of detected SAR images; stereo 
matching to determine disparities between the two 
images and transformation of the disparities to heights 
in a ground reference system. 
The preprocessing to remove the effects of speckle is 
discussed in section 5 of this paper. 
The method used for stereomatching is the 
CASCADE algorithm (Denos 1991) which 
automatically determines seed points in the top layer 
of an image pyramid, these are then matched using the 
Gruen adaptive least squares algorithms in the top 
layers of the pyramid whilst in the finer layers the 
Otto-Chau region matching algorithm, developed 
from the Gruen approach, is used. 
The final stage is the transformation of disparities to 
3-D data. In the current work the method used is that 
of Clark (1991) , which uses the range and Doppler 
equations for the two images to determine the vector 
P which is the co-ordinate vector of the ground point, 
using known satellite position S, .and S, and the 
satellite velocity. The principle is shown in Figure 1. 
Clark has shown that the method is sensitive to errors 
in timing and that the method will be more stable with 
a longer base length. Work at UCL with ERS-1 data 
(Chen 1993) has shown that the method works but 
requires improvement to give satisfactory results. 

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