inventory mapping. Given the knowledge
and experience acquired during this project,
the Woodlands Services Division of
MacMillan Bloedel will be well prepared to
incorporate RADARSAT in their mapping
process when the data become available.
C/X SAR airborne data were provided by
CCRS. SPOT and ERS-1 data were
provided by RSI. The authors also wish to
thank Dr. Frank Ahern of the CCRS
Forestry Applications Development Section
for his comments and suggestions during
the initial stages of the study and to thank
Dennis Nazarenko of RSI for reviewing this
Ahern, F.J., R.K. Raney, 1993, "An Almaz/ERS-1
Comparison Demonstrates Incidence Angle
Effects in Orbital SAR Imagery", Canadian
Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol 19, No. 3, pp.
Boulton, S., B.G. Davis, S.C. Lanoix, R.A. Newsome,
L.N. Rumming, and B.T. Whitehead, 1992, An
Evaluation of MacMillan Bloedel Limited's GIS
Map Base.
Davis, B., S.C. Lanoix, and L.N. Rumming, 1992,
GIS Task Force Subcommittee Recommendations
on Hardware and Software Purchases.
Livingston, C.E., A.L. Gray, R.K. Hawkins, R.B.
Olsen, 1988, "CCRS C/X-Airborne Synthetic
Aperture Radar: an R and D Tool for the ERS-1
Time Frame" in: Proceedings of the IEEE National
Radar Conference, April 20-21, The University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, pp. 15-21.
Parashar, S., G.J. Wessels, 1989, "Synthetic
Aperture Radar Simulation Software Package at
CCRS", Proceedings of IGARSS '89 / the 12th
Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Vol.3,
Vancouver, pp. 1729-1732.
PCI, 1993, PACE Satellite Image Ortho and DEM,
Version 5.2, Richmond Hill, Ontario.
Surveys and Mapping Branch, Ministry of Crown
Lands, Province of British Columbia, 1990,
British Columbia Specifications and Guidelines for
Geomatics, Digital Baseline Mapping at
1:20,000, Release 1.0.
Toutin, T., Y. Carbonneau, 1992, "La création
d'ortho-images avec MNE: description d'un
nouveau systéme", Journal Canadien de
Télédétection, Vol.18, no.3, pp. 136-141.
Figure 3a
Figure 3c