Full text: Systems for data processing, anaylsis and representation

From a classification point of view the extracted 
regions are the candidates for the identification 
step. The task is to extract proper features from 
the candidates and to compare them with the fea- 
tures of the known objects. A result of the motion 
based segmentation of the image is the border 
line. This closed contour can be considered to be 
the observed geometric quantity of the unknown 
object. The problem is now that the appearance 
of the object in the image, and this applies to 
the border line as well, is distorted by the per- 
spective projection of the object. If it is possible 
to find descriptive quantities which are not affec- 
ted by the projection then object recognition is 
possible without knowing the rotation and trans- 
lation between a camera centered and an object 
centered coordinate system. These quantities are 
called invariants (Forsyth et al., 1990). 
Depending on the complexity of the object and 
on the formulation for deriving the invariants the 
theory of invariants defines exactly the number of 
invariant features with respect to a specific geo- 
metric transformation. For solving the recogni- 
tion task by automatic pattern recognition often a 
few invariant features are sufficient. For the sim- 
ple and planar geometric figures of the objects of 
interest suitable invariant features have to be fo- 
und. In our application the object models for the 
traffic signs are restricted to triangles, rectangles 
and circles. 
Usually, in photogrammetry the mapping from 
object space to image space is postulated to be 
a general perspective projection. The perspec- 
tive projection can be approximated by an af- 
fine transformation for planar objects and if the 
distance between the object and the camera is 
large and the field of view is narrow (Costa et al., 
1989). For an affine mapping it is easier to de- 
termine invariant features than for a perspective 
transformation. In the next section first some dif- 
ferent procedures for the determination of affine- 
invariant quantities from points, lines and areas 
are discussed. For the simple objects only a few 
invariant features can be determined. Further 
the figures possess specific symmetries. Thus for 
these objects it is very interesting to find out 
which of the procedures are suitable for the deter- 
mination of affine-invariant features at all. The 
result is a pre-selection of the possible procedures 
for the determination of affine-invariant features 
from a closed border line. Because a procedure 
should be as reliable as possible the sensitivity of 
the affine-invariant features with respect to noise 
in the border line is evaluated. A quality measure 
for the sensitivity is the probability for a wrong 
classification. This probability can be used for 
the assessment of the separability of parametric 
models based on the observations. 
3.1 Determination of affine-invariant 
Various procedures are proposed for the deter- 
mination of affine-invariant features using points, 
lines or areas. These features are affine-invariant 
coordinates (Costa et al., 1989) for the points, 
affine-invariant curvatures (Cyganski et al., 1987) 
or affine-invariant Fourier descriptors (Arbter, 
1989) for the lines and affine-invariant moments 
(Hu, 1962) for the areas. The procedures will be 
shortly discussed in the following. The detailed 
mathematical formulations can be found in Gei- 
selmann (1992) or in the references quoted above. 
3.1.1 Affine-invariant coordinates 
At least 4 points (a,b,c,d) are necessary for 
the determination of affine-invariant coordinates. 
With 3 points, for example a,b,c, a basic tri- 
angle is defined. Then the affine-invariant coor- 
dinates of point d are determined by the quoti- 
ent of the area F of the triangles b,c,d or a,c,d 
and a, b,c, respectively. Affine mapping using a 
transformation matrix T' changes the area F of 
the triangles according to F' — det(T)F. Ob- 
viously the quotient of two triangular areas is 
affine-invariant. Unfortunately this simple pro- 
cedure has a considerable drawback. For the de- 
termination of affine-invariant coordinates of the 
object and of its image the identical basic triangle 
has to be used. This equals the need of establis- 
hing the correspondence of 3 points of the object 
and the image. In consequence, the procedure 
does not fit the aim of real-time identification. 
3.1.2 Affine-invariant curvatures 
Similar to the standard formulation of the curva- 
ture of a planar curve the affine-invariant curva- 
ture x(7) is defined by 
K(T) = ü(r)ö(r) — ü(r)ö(r) . 
With (u(r),v(r)) a parametric formulation of 
the curve is described as a function of the af- 
fine length 7 (Naas and Schmid, 1972). As in 
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