Full text: Systems for data processing, anaylsis and representation

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The aim of the the investigation has been to deve- 
lop a simple but reliable procedure for the identi- 
fication and location of simple planar objects. Se- 
veral general questions were examined that arose 
during the recognition of simple and planar geo- 
metrical figures of an image sequence. Especially 
the structure of the object and the image motion 
recorded by an image sequence are exploited to 
solve the task. 
First a procedure was developed for the detec- 
tion and location of the border line in the image. 
For objects located in a natural environment the 
segmentation based on image motion was found 
to be the most promising procedure. The pro- 
cedure for extracting the region of interest uses 
the fact that a change can be identified in a dif- 
ference image. By that the process corresponds 
to classical procedures of the analysis of image 
A suitable procedure for reliable object recogni- 
tion has to be chosen from different existing pro- 
cedures. In our case of simple geometric fea- 
tures two procedures were suitable for finding 
affine-invariant quantities of a closed border line. 
These features are the form factor calculated from 
affine-invariant Fourier descriptors and the affine- 
invariant features determined by moments up to 
the third order. The sensitivity of the procedu- 
res with respect to noisy border lines is of special 
interest. The probability for misclassification ser- 
ves as a quality measure. Experiments with the 
three different types of objects are reported. For 
that the triangular, rectangular and circular bor- 
der lines of corresponding traffic signs are distor- 
ted and noise was added. The determination of 
the probability for a misclassification applies the 
maximum likelihood principle. The best results 
concerning the separability between the three ob- 
ject types are found by determining the affine- 
invariant features using the moments of an area 
which lies within a closed border line. Finally the 
identification of the object is done by maximum 
likelihood classification. For this purpose the four 
affine-invariant features can be used directly. 
Arbter, K. [1989]: Affine-invariant Fourier de- 
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