' tunnels, 360?
60? profiles is
aser beam over
» fulfill the de-
ination with a
> distance bet-
m) the rotation
ystem parame-
anner are com-
ion. The final
he tunnel tube
nspection, sur-
its designed to
inder different
ted theoretical
rence between
he variation of
est scenes by
reflectances R
aboratory. The
through win-
amps mounted
; spotlights be-
urements is to
and true range.
For a target point, let d be the range measurement reported by
the scanner, and let r be the true range from the geometric ori-
gin of the scanner, measured with a high precision reference
system. Under ideal conditions, we expect to observe that d =
r, but nonlinear effects with range measurements, offset errors
in the analog unit, surface material of the target, and changing
lighting conditions cause errors with range measurement.
5 T 7
range error (true range - measured range) [mm]
0 i 1 1
2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
true range [mm]
Fig. 4: Sensor accuracy for different materials
To determine range accuracy we acquired range measurements
of targets with various surface materials and reflectance within
the ambiguity interval of the scanner. The target is positioned
at known distances with an angle of incidence a. of about 90°,
i.e. normal to the target surface. For each target position (0 ...
15 m; 0.5 m steps) with all standardized reflectances R, a sam-
ple of j = 1000 consecutive range measurements is acquired.
Experimental results for linearity, and worst-case deviations e
= max (ej e, = d. - r) between measured range and reference
range r are illustrated in Fig. 4. After calibrating the look-up-
tables diojgo 7 f(d, 0/80) of both measurement channels, high
accuracy with linearity (max. error 0.1 % of max. range) and
resulting range errors of less than +10 mm for worst-case re-
flectance of R = 2 % are achieved.
Range drift
To measure range drift, a single target is placed (d = 6m; o =
90°; R = 50%) in front of the laser scanner (Ÿ = 18?C) and
range data is acquired over several hours. Due to thermal hea-
ting effects in the measuring system (laser head and high fre-
quency unit) a drift of 4 cm in range measurement occured in
the first 10 min. After this "heating time", no significant range
drift (Ad € e) can be detected for hours. Compared [20] to
other laser range sensors, the laser range measuring system
shows good long-time stability and high accuracy with range
4.2 Precision
For characterizing the precision of the range measurements the
variation of repeated range measurements is identified. Am-
bient lighting conditions, surface material of the target, distan-
ce from the scanner to the target, beam incidence angle at the
target, and ambient temperature are varied in this paper. Under
each of these conditions 1000 range measurements are sam-
pled at each target and each position. Mean and variance of the
depth measurements are computed, and final precision is
quantified as the standard deviation of the distribution of the
Effect of ambient light
To study the effect of ambient light on sensed range, a black
target (R = 5%) is placed at a fixed distance, samples are
taken, and mean and variance are computed. This procedure is
repeated for target positions between 2 m and 10 m (2 m inter-
val) in front of the sensor under different indoor lighting con-
ditions: during night, during a sunny day, and during a cloudy
day, all with and without spotlights.
Evaluation of experiments shows that precision is nearly inde-
pendent from intensity of ambient illumination. Only when
sunlight or a spotlight directly radiates into the scanner, noise
with range measurement increases, therefore decreasing pre-
cision with measurements.
Effect of surface material
Surface material and therefore the reflectance of a target sur-
face has a definite effect on the range measurements. To in-
vestigate the effect of object surface material, targets are po-
sitioned at fixed distances and reflectance is varied. Fig. 5
shows the mean and standard deviation of range measurements
for all standardized reflectances R within the range from 2 to
10 m (0.5 m interval).
10000 :
9000 |--- | | |
8000t-+----- eL ud -; a
7000 CU bur usu in 2
6000 +---------
5000 D rum ete ur mpeg
4000 ----------—— ee
mean of range measurements [mm]
1000 i i
2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
distance [mm]
5a) Mean of range measurements
=a N on
standard deviation 3c of range measurements [mm]
0 1 i |
2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
distance [mm]
5b) Standard deviation 36 of range