e Several groups have been contacted to
determine willingness to undertake or
contribute to a workshop on SAR data
analysis at the ISPRS Congress July
1996 in Vienna, Austria.
WG 11/5 - "Integrated Production
by Chairman:
Dr. Atef A. Elassal (USA)
Dr. M.M. Radwan
Dr. Roop C. Malhotra
WG Members: 15
Terms of Reference
e the role of GIS, image analysis systems
(IAS), remote sensing and
photogrammetric technologies in the
design of Integrated Production
Systems (IPS)
* design and development aspects of
IPS, including benchmark tests for
system evaluation
* standards/methodologies for data
communication, data exchange,
operational data flow and output for
* development of total digital platforms
and spatial information infrastructure
for the management of heterogeneous
corporate databases
Working Group II/5 Accomplishments
July 9, 1993 - letters of invitations to join
the WG were sent world-wide to persons
in academia, industry and government
Working Group Membership - there are
now fourteen members, including two
reporters, representing ten countries.
Circular letter - the task of collecting
information with the objective of
publishing a user guide for Integrated
Production Systems: "IPS User Guide
"was identified by WG chair. Letters to
the members were sent out to solicit
information on existing IPS world-wide.
Circular letter - a sample of an IPS was
prepared and enclosed in a circular letter
to the membership for information
content and template in which the
information may be presented.
November 8 , 1993 - a working group
meeting was at NOAA, Silver Spring,
Maryland immediately following the 1993
ASPRS Minnesota, Convention.
State of Science and Technology of
Working Group II/5 Topics
Following the successful Working Group
Meeting in November, and number of
issues concerning Integrated Production
Systems rose to the forefront. Highlights
of the WG Meeting and these issues are as
* it was recognized that the spatial data
information collected by
photogrammetric based IPS must be
linked to some GIS for analysis and
end products.
* for wider use of IPS, existing IPS must
be characterized for functionality,
hardware/software, and other
relevant information to assist users in
setting up IPS for data collection to
cater to the community needs. This
boiled down to the WG task identified
by Dr. Elassal and Dr. Malhotra in the
initial search for WG tasks.
* it was suggested that to better
understand the scope of the WG and
the IPS, the systems that the WG
addresses must be called: "Integrated
data acq
the task
of GIS.
Thus, th
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Working Gra
IPS User C
March, 19
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June, 1994
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