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Photogrammetric (including Remote
Sensing) Data Acquisition Production
System". In other words, IPS must be
photogrammetric based systems with
data acquisition functionality, leaving
the task of data analysis to some sort
of GIS.
Thus, the IPS must have the following
- Spatial data collection, editing and
- Data transfer
- Integration < of
(vector /raster,
- User interfaces to GIS etc.
data sets
from different
The word integration used in IPS may
be restricted to "Integration of various
processes for spatial data acquisition",
such as: triangulation, compilation.
Data analysis is relented to GIS.
Linkages between IPS and GIS may he
considered as a part of IPS.
Input to IPS user guide should
- description of all the INPUT data to
the IFS
- description of data flow or
processes in IFS
- description of functionalities of IFS
- definition of accuracy of the data set
and of the OUTPUT data
Working Group II/5 News
IPS User Guide Planned Milestones:
March, 1994: first cut at the template
for reporting an IPS
June, 1994: interim report (include at
least one IPS from industry)
1996 Congress: final IPS user guide an
current IPS.
Implementation action plan for IPS
user guide:
Nov./Dec. 1994: outline and example
from the Chair to be sent to WG
membership with inputs from
members and finalize template
March, 1994: Solicit inputs from other
June, 1994: Interim IPS user guide.
1996 Congress: Final IPS user guide
an current IPS
Inter-Commission WG II/III - "Digital
Photogrammetric Systems"
by Chairman: Prof. lan Dowman (U.K.)
Co-Chairman: Dr. David McKeown
Secretary: Zubbi Nwosu
WG Members: 186
Terms of Reference
digital photogrammetric workstation
design issues for computational tasks
using parallel processing, multi-
processors and task specific
visualization techniques including
stereo, spatial, temporal, and
animation issues in computer graphics
multimedia techniques for imagery,
scanned documents, sound and video
automated cartographic compilation
systems (algorithms and system