3.1 Intersite Architecture
The intersite architecture is necessary to connect the
services offered by providers to needs expressed by users in
terms of requests to the system. Three classes of software
component are envisaged for this layer:
Advertising Service: The services offered by providers on
the network need to be advertised to users. The
advertising service is used by other components in the
intersite architecture to perform their function.
Request Broker Service: This service performs the
matching between a user request and the services
offered. In the many cases the user (e.g., a process) may
have specified the service to be connected to, in others
the broker will have to parse a ‘request description’ and
use the advertising service to establish which services
could satisfy the request. The request broking activity
might involve user interaction.
Distributed Information Manager : Where multiple sites
are needed to resolve a request then an Inter-site Search
Service is required to manage the process. The service
will break up the query if necessary and generate a plan
containing sub-requests which will be processed at
individual sites. The sub-requests will generally be
characterized by queries and operations, where an
operation is usually some manipulation of results to
provide output in the form or context requested by the
user. The optimization of the division of a user request
into a request plan is a difficult problem and in the
short-term might involve the user in the planning
An example of the use of the Distributed Information
Manager to handle a coincident, content-based search is
shown in Figure 2. In this case, the request is divided
into three sub-requests: a query is made on the TOMS
binned product to extract an ozone mask of the ozone
hole for the required date, the mask is transferred to the
second service provider which extracts cloud and sea-ice
free fragments of the binned phytoplankton
concentration product derived from Sea-WiFS data,
which are then mosaiced on a separate compute server to
form a single multi-date concentration map.
Clearly this is not a trivial problem, and represents the
vision of what should be possible in the future rather
than what can immediately be developed. Issues such as
optimization of the query plan, incompatibility of
vocabularies, etc., all need to be addressed before such a
vision is achievable. However there are clear
evolutionary steps on the way to the vision, each of
which give the user more support for resolving science
questions. The purpose of the intersite architecture is to
enable this evolution without a need to leave the
architecture framework.
What is the distribution of Phytoplankton Concentration
underneath the ozone hole in the ice-free ocean
for dates nearest October 15, 1995
phytoplankton concentration map
masked for sea-ice and cloud
(values tagged with date)
Fig 2.
The main issues related to the development of these three
intersite components are related to vocabulary management
and mapping, service and client incompatibility
management and support for multi-protocol access to a
dataset. These issues are considered further in NASA, 1994a.
The interoperability layer assumes that each of its services
can be distributed. There will probably be more than one
example of a request broker or distributed information
manager. They can differ in the scope of their capabilities or
TOMS (Dobson threshold,dates)
patial intersect with Ozone Hole
[Level 3 binned
Ozone Hole Mask
SeaWiFsS (chlorophyll, dates,
[Level 3 binned
Cloud-free and Sea-
Ice free fragments
combine cloud-free and ice-
free values into distribution
Example - Use of Inter-Site Request Agent to Resolve Coincident Search
to which services and providers they give access; that is,
intersite services can themselves be heterogeneous. For
example, a distributed information manager might provide
relatively basic inter-site request capability across a wide
range of services, or more sophisticated capabilities over a
smaller subset.
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