At each provider site the messages passed from the client
layer to the interoperability structure need to be interpreted
and acted upon. This is achieved through two routes. The
most direct is a message directed at a data server which has
knowledge of all the services related to its data set and
passes the message to the correct service. At sites providing
several data sets, the message might need to be interpreted
against several data set servers and this would be handled by
the Local Search Service. This is equivalent to the
Distributed Information Manager, but only deals with the
data held locally.
Data at a site is organized into one or more collections of
related items. Each collection forms a data set which will
contain both data and meta-data, the discrimination between
these being provider and data set specific. To each data set
one or more services are attached; the services may operate
on all types of data in the data set or only one part of it, e.g.,
a relational database management system (DBMS) to an
inventory table. Descriptions of these services and the parts
of the data set they operate on are passed to the advertising
service, establishing a 'data scope' against which users
requests can be evaluated against. These services are called
*type' services in the concept since one type of service may
be related to all data of that type (e.g., a text query service
could be used for all text data within one data set and across
all data sets at one site). Careful design of the type services
should mean that they are adaptable by other providers for
similar data. It is possible that a particular type of data
would have more than one 'type' service associated with it,
(e.g., two different text query services to support different
access protocols) and that a type service would deal with
more than just a single data type (e.g., an OO DBMS could
deal with inventory data and the associated browse data).
3.3 User Interfaces to the Services
As for the provider layer, the architectural concept does not
mandate how the user interfaces should work, only that they
are compatible with one or more of the protocols that the
interoperability infrastructure supports. The GCDIS /
UserDIS concept seeks to encourage community
development of components, and it is likely that the client
layer is one of the areas where this will have the most
Three categories of access to the interoperability layer are
considered in the architectural concept:
general access interfaces: It is assumed that general
interfaces which are applicable to a group of similar
services across all data in the network (e.g. text search).
This type of interface will be the main access to the
services of EOSDIS and many of the large archives and
will be similar in concept to the present day EOSDIS
Version 0 and ESA's User Interface Terminal (Simpson
et al., 1993) interfaces. The general interfaces will be
customized in their operation by specific information
from the service provider (e.g. vocabulary), etc.
specialized access interfaces: The above approach would
support dynamic modification of an existing interface,
but would not support special interfaces for specific
services, e.g. an interface which is particularly oriented
towards the coincident location and analysis of sea
surface temperature ‘images’ and sub-surface profile
measurements of temperature and salinity. In this case
the service provider might be able to provide a software
module which would be dynamically linked into the
user’s interface and provide a completely specialized
interface, configured to a specific service/provider.
object access interfaces: Finally, objects resulting from
previous queries should be capable of initiating further
service requests. For example a search of an image
inventory might result in a results object which
contains the inventory records matching the query and a
reference in the object which would enable a user to
automatically initiate a browse service and review the
image being referenced by one of the inventory records.
The EOSDIS architectural concept described here offers
several important advantages for some future development of
GCDIS and/or UserDIS. First, data providers have complete
freedom of choice as to how they wish to organize data into
types. They may want to use EOSDIS provided type services
or data type servers, or they may decide to create their own
and link them into the local search and retrieval service
software. They may even decide to replace all data types
with a fully integrated database management system (and
appropriate schema); several research projects and
commercial ventures in the area of object databases are in
progress and may mature during the lifetime of the global
change program (Stonebraker and Rowe, 1986; Haas et al.,
1990; Lamb et al., 1991).
Secondly, the concept supports the inclusion of legacy
systems into the network. A site is only required to
advertise only those services it wishes to support in the
GCDIS/UserDIS context; there is no minimum set of services
which a site must provide. For example, a site may only be
able to offer text search and file transfer, but would still be
able to contribute to the network.
Thirdly, the architecture provides an open ended approach to
earth science data search and retrieval. Searches can be
manipulated at the level of the intersite search service, local
information manager service, or at the level of the data type
server. Search capabilities can be negotiated among
services and do not enter into the protocols themselves.
This permits the future application of results of ongoing
research, e.g., in areas of query and schema translation,
query optimization, and search languages might be adaptable
to earth science data types (Ordille and Miller, 1993;
Morrissey, 1990). For example, future search engines may
be able to assist users through intelligent searching using
knowledge bases created by the earth science community,
and data providers could then advertise "knowledge" about
their data holdings rather than indexes (Smith er al., 1989).
Fourth, the architecture makes no principal distinction
between various levels of earth science metadata (e.g.,
directory versus inventory), or between metadata and data.
This is in realization that, in a GCDIS and UserDIS
environment, different organizations may very well have
differing concepts for these objects. The widely differing
data holdings at these organizations also will likely lead to
differing interpretations of what is index, what is data, and
what can be searched within a reasonable time. Despite this
variability in data it is important that searches on multiple
data sets provide results which can be compared effectively
by the us
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