Full text: From pixels to sequences

5-2 Working Towards a Scanning Profiler 
There is currently a wide variety of non-prism (prism not required) laser-ranger on the open 
market. However, most of these have basically been designed to measure fixed points and 
fixed-point quantities, which places restrictions upon them for use in the research of a 
profiler in their present form. Also, as consideration is being given to extending this 
research in order to obtain ground surface cross-sectional information, it will be necessary 
to have a per-second measurement rate (pulse rate) of several kHz at the very minimum, The 
measurement rate of the non-prism laser-ranger used in this research was 3. 3 per second in 
the highest-speed mode. If this was changed to a scanner sensor which emitted continuous 
beams at--20degrees, total 40 degrees, each scan would need 100 seconds. The information 
obtained from practical application of the non-prism laser-ranger at the present time 
(October, 1994) is at 2kHz, but we have great expectations of putting 4kHz to use in the 
near future. 
Yoshiaki Takahashi and Nobuyuki Mizutani., "Profiling of Earth s Surface by Non-Imaging 
Yoshiaki Takahashi, Nobuyuki Mizutani and et al "A Method of surveying Earth s Surface by 
Non-Imaging Method (Part-1)" 1993. May. PROCEEDINGS OF Annual Conference. Japan 
Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. pp79-82 
Yoshiaki Takahashi, Nobuyuki Mizutani and et al "A Method of surveying Earth s Surface by 
Non-Imaging Method (Part-2)"1994.May. PROCEEDINGS OF Annual Conference. Japan 
Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. pp183-186 
IAPRS, Vol. 30, Part 5W1, ISPRS Intercommission Workshop "From Pixels to Sequences", Zurich, March 22-24 1995 

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