Full text: From pixels to sequences

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The structure of the WAAC- camera has not any restriction on the data rate and solve the scientific tasks of full geometric 
resolution. The concept of the camera is based on experiences of other cameras and scanner experiments. The camera is based 
on the camera concept which has the possibility to verify algorithms, sensors, processors or architecture for the on- line 
imaging process. 
The standard differential wide SCSI Il interface is a good compromise concerning of the data rate, cable length and the 
opportunity of realization. The advantage of this interface is the capability for the camera control by means of different 
computers. The other side is the possibility of the connection with intelligent disk arrays or hard disks. 
The camera electronic accomplishes all science tasks. The electronic include the on- line control of the PRNU, DSNU and 
compression. Via commands the electronic can generate 11Bit raw data, 8Bit normalised data or JPEG data. The main 
advantage of the concept is the capability for testing new processing boards, new sensors or new camera heads. A FPGA 
generates the clocks, which can easily be adapted to other sensors or camera heads. The FEE is also controlled by the FPGA 
and can also be adapted to test condition of other sensors. 
For the first flight in the April of 1995 the camera software has been written for the functional test of the WAAC- application. 
But in future we will include the real time kernel for the on- line image processing. It will be the next step in the direction 
for a good test facility of the image processing or correction algorithms. 
The camera trigger in- and outputs represent the potential of multisensor experiments and of on- line imaging process. For the 
on- line imaging process the camera uses the capability of bidirectional transmission of the differential wide SCSI II interface. 
(1) Andreas Eckardt, Wide- Angle Airborne Camera (WAAC) OEEPE Workshop digital cameras , IGN 
Paris, 28-29.9.1994 
(2) Bild & Ton 45 (1993) 9/10 Special issue to WAOSS 
(3) WAOCC Feasibility Study F1, DLR Berlin 1993 
(4) Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), ISO/IEC, JTC1/SC2/WG8, CCIT, SGVIII, JPEG Technical 
Specification Revision 5, Dec 1989 
(5) Virtuosos The Virtual Single Processor Programming System Intelligent System International (ISI) Belgium 3/1/1994 
CCD : Charge Coupled Devices 
DCE : Data Compression Electronic 
DCT : Discrete Cosine Transformation 
DSNU : Dark Signal Non Uniformity 
DSP : Digital Signal Processor 
FEE : Eront End Electronic 
FIFO : First In First Out memory 
FPGA : Field Programmable Gate Arrays 
FPM : Focal Plate Module 
FOV : Field Of View 
GPS : Global Positioning System 
HD * Hard Disk 
HKD : House Keeping Data 
HSYNC : Horizontal Synchronisation 
IFOV : |nstantaneous Field Of View 
JPEG : Joint Photography Experts Group 
PRNU : Photo Response Non Uniformity 
RAID : Redundancy Array Independent Disk 
SDH : Synchrony Digital Hierarchy 
SCSI : Small Computer System Interface 
VSYNC : Vertical Synchronisation 
IAPRS, Vol.30, Part 5W1, ISPRS Intercommission Workshop "From Pixels to Sequences", Zurich, March 22-24 1995 

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