Full text: From pixels to sequences

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For the first test measurement with the DCS 460 described above, a comparison with the results of measurements of 
the same automobile part performed with two other cameras can be given. A block of 10 images recorded with a 1500 x 
1000 pixel Kodak DCS 200 camera resulted in 3-D coordinates with a standard deviation of s, = 0.027 mm, s, = 0.029 
mm and s, = 0.036 mm, a relative accuracy in object space of 1 : 90000 after bundle adjustment. A block of 7 images 
acquired with a film-based Rolleiflex 6006 metric camera and measured in a Rolleimetric RS1 réseau scanner yielded a 
similar outcome, s, — 0.025 mm, s, = 0.026 mm and s, = 0.046 mm. These results point to the substantial increase of 
accuracy achievable with the DCS 460. 
The new high resolution Kodak DCS 460 still video camera with a 3060 x 2036 pixel imager proved to be a very useful 
digital image acquisition tool for close range photogrammetry. The camera is especially suitable for off-line single- 
sensor applications in industrial metrology, but also for architectural photogrammetry due to the excellent image reso- 
lution. The handling of the DCS 460 is user friendly. The removable hard disk cards serve for fast data transfer and 
enable the user to take an extended number of images by changing the cards. 
From the viewpoint of close range photogrammetry, the DCS 460 is a relatively expensive small format camera which 
offers accuracy figures comparable to a large format film-based camera. 
The author would like to thank the Kodak AG Stuttgart for providing the DCS 460 camera. 
Bósemann, W., Peipe, J., Schneider, C.-T., 1994. Zur Anwendung von Still Video Kameras in der digitalen Nahbe- 
reichsphotogrammetrie. Zeitschrift für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung (ZPF), 62 (3), 90-96 
Fraser, C.S., Shortis, M.R., 1994. Vision Metrology in Industrial Inspection: A Practical Evaluation. Int. Archives of 
Photogrammetry and Rem. Sensing, 30 (5), 87-91 
van den Heuvel, F.A., 1993. Automated 3-D Measurement with the DCS200 Digital Camera. Optical 3-D Measurement 
Techniques ll (Eds. A. Gruen and H. Kahmen), Wichmann, Karlsruhe, 63-71 
Kersten, T.P., Maas, H.-G., 1994. Digital High Resolution Still Video Camera Versus Film-Based Camera in Photogram- 
metric Industrial Metrology. Int. Archives of Photogrammetry and Rem. Sensing, 30 (1), 114-121 
Lenz, R., Lenz, U., 1993. New Developments in High Resolution Image Acquisition with CCD Area Sensors. Optical 3-D 
Measurement Techniques Il (Eds. A. Gruen and H. Kahmen), Wichmann, Karlsruhe, 53-62 
Lenz, R., Beutlhauser, R., Lenz, U., 1994. A Microscan / Macroscan 3x12 Bit Digital Color CCD Camera with 
Programmable Resolution up to 20,992 x 20,480 Picture Elements. Int. Archives of Photogrammetry and Rem. Sens- 
ing, 30 (5), 225-230 
Peipe, J., Schneider, C.-T., 1994. Photogrammetric Calibration and Performance Test of Still Video Cameras. Int. 
Archives of Photogrammetry and Rem. Sensing, 30 (1), 108-113 
Peipe, J., Schneider, C.-T., 1995. High Resolution Still Video Camera for Industrial Photogrammetry. Photogrammetric 
Record, 15 (85), in press 
Peipe, J., Schneider, C.-T., Sinnreich, K., 1994. Performance of a PC Based Digital Photogrammetric Station. Int. 
Archives of Photogrammetry and Rem. Sensing, 30 (5), 304-309 
IAPRS, Vol. 30, Part 5W1, ISPRS Intercommission Workshop "From Pixels to Sequences", Zurich, March 22-24 1995 

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